Using a Custom Build File
You can use a Custom Build File to customize transformation scenarios.
To use a custom build file in a DITA-OT transformation, follow these steps:
- Use the
Configure Transformation Scenario(s) action to open the Configure Transformation Scenario(s) dialog box.
- Select the transformation scenario and click Edit.
- Go to the Advanced tab and change the Custom build file path to point to the custom build file.
As an example, if you want to call a custom script before running the DITA-OT, your custom
build file would have the following
<project basedir="." default="dist">
<!--The DITA-OT default build file-->
<import file="build.xml"/>
<target name="dist">
<!-- You could run your script here -->
<!--Call the DITA-OT default target-->
<antcall target="init"/>
If you use the built-in Ant 1.9.8 build tool that comes bundled with
Oxygen XML Editor, it is located in the [OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR]/tools/ant directory. Any
additional libraries for Ant must be copied to the Oxygen XML Editor Ant
lib directory.