Presenting Validation Errors in JSON Documents
Validation errors and warnings in JSON documents are presented in various locations within the interface.
Validation Marker Locations
- In the main editing pane, with the issue underlined in a color according to the type of issue.
- In the right-side vertical stripe, with a marker that is colored according to the type of issue.
- In the Outline view, with an icon that is colored according to the type of issue.
Validation Marker Colors
- Validation Errors [Red] - By default, the underline in the editing pane, the marker in the right vertical stripe, and the foreground color of the attribute in the Attributes view are colored in red.
- Validation Warnings [Yellow] - By default, the underline in the editing pane, the marker in the right vertical stripe, and the foreground color of the attribute in the Attributes view are colored in yellow.
- Validation Info [Blue] - By default, the underline in the editing pane, the marker in the right vertical stripe, and the foreground color of the attribute in the Attributes view are colored in blue.
Validation Markers in the Right-Side Stripe
- Upper Part of the Stripe
- A success indicator square will turn green if the validation is successful or only info messages are found, red if validation errors are found, or yellow if only validation warnings are found. More details about the issues are displayed in a tooltip when you hover over indicator square. If there are numerous problems, only the first three are presented in the tooltip.
- Middle Part of the Stripe
Errors are presented with red markers, warnings with yellow markers, and info message with blue markers. If you want to limit the number of markers that are displayed, open the Preferences dialog box , go to , and specify the desired limit in the Maximum number of validation highlights option.
Clicking a marker will highlight the corresponding text area in the editor. The validation message is also displayed both in a tooltip (when hovering over the marker) and in the message area on the bottom of the editor panel (clicking the
Document checking options button opens the Document Checking preferences page.
- Bottom Part of the Stripe
- Two navigation arrows (
) can be used to jump to the next or previous issue. The same actions can be triggered from (Ctrl + Period (Command + Period on macOS)) and (Ctrl + Comma (Command + Comma on macOS)). Also, the
Remove All button can be used to clear all the validation markers.
Hovering Over Validation Issues
Hovering over a validation issue presents a tooltip message with more details about the problem. Also, when hovering over an issue, pressing F2 will change the focus to the tooltip.
Details About Validation Issues
- Information about the issue is also displayed in the message area
on the bottom of the editor panel (clicking the
Document checking options button opens the Document Checking preferences page where you can configure some validation options (such as the colors used to present the validation issues). Some validation messages have an icon (
) and clicking it opens a dialog box with additional information and a link to specifications.
- If you want to see all the
validation messages grouped in the Results view view, use the
Validate action from the toolbar or menu. To see more information about a validation message, right-click the item in the Results view and select Show message. Some validation messages have an icon (
) in the Info column and clicking it opens a dialog box with additional information and a link to specifications.