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Server Signature Mismatch Error


I receive an error indicating that the current license was already activated on a License Server or that the License Server's Signature does not match.

During the license activation process, the license key becomes bound to a particular license server deployment. This means that a code that uniquely identifies your license server deployment (called Server Signature) is sent to the Oxygen servers, which in turn will sign the license key. The Server Signature is computed from the list of network interfaces of the server where you deployed the license.

When starting the license server, if you receive an error stating that your Server Signature does not match, there are several possible causes:

Possible Cause 1

The license key was moved to a new server that hosts your license server.


Revert to your previous configuration.

Possible Cause 2

A new network interface was changed, added, or activated in the server that hosts your license server.
A specific example of when this could happen is if the Bluetooth or the WiFi module is activated/deactivated.


If reverting is not possible, contact the Oxygen support team.

Possible Cause 3

The license server was restarted from a different location as the previous restart. For example, some server configurations will have the Apache Tomcat server installed in a versioned folder (/usr/local/apache-tomcat-V.V.V) with a symbolic link to the typical folder (/usr/local/tomcat). The server can be restarted from either location, but it is recommended to always restart from the typical folder (/usr/local/tomcat) and always restart from the same location.


The server simply needs to always be restarted from the same location.