Adding MathML Support Using MathFlow (Deprecated)
In the pom.xml file, add dependencies to the following additional libraries used by the MathFlow library to parse MathML equations:
- MFComposer.jar
- MFExtraSymFonts.jar
- MFSimpleEditor.jar
- MFStructureEditor.jar
- MFStyleEditor.jarNote:For MathFlow 2.1, all of these JAR files are packaged into one file called MathFlow.jar.
You can reference these additional libraries from the MathFlow SDK as in the example below:
In addition, you must obtain fixed MathFlow license keys for editing and
composing MathML equations and register them using these API methods:
To edit specialized DITA Composite with MathML content, include the entire [OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR]/frameworks/mathml2 Mathml2 framework directory in the frameworks bundled with the component in the bundle-frameworks module. This directory is used to solve references to MathML DTDs.
More documentation is available on the Wiris MathFlow website.