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Replacing the Search Engine and Results Presentation

It is possible to integrate a custom search engine and replace the search results area into your WebHelp Responsive output. This is done by using the following transformation parameters:

This parameter can be used to replace the search results area with custom XHTML content. The value of the parameter is the path to an XHTML file that contains your custom content.
This parameter can be used to replace WebHelp's built-in search engine with your own custom search engine. The value of the parameter is the path to an XHTML file that contains the scripts required for your custom search engine to run.
To integrate a custom search engine into your WebHelp Responsive output, follow these steps:
  1. If you have not already created a Publishing Template, see How to Create a Publishing Template.
  2. Create the following items in the folder that contains your publishing descriptor file (the .opt file):
    • A file named custom-search-results-fragment.xml.
    • A file named custom-search-script-fragment.xml.
    • A folder named js.
  3. In the custom-search-results-fragment.xml file, define the HTML structure that will be used as the search results area. For example:
    <div id="cumstom-search-results">...</div>
    The custom search engine script will need to find an HTML element from the HTML structure that will be used as the search results area and write the search results inside it. In this example, it is the <div> element with the id custom-search-results.
  4. In the js folder, create a file named custom-search.js.
  5. As a starting point, you can copy the following content to the custom-search.js file:
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
        const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
        const searchQuery = params.get('searchQuery');
        // Implement your custom search engine
        // Display the search results
    The value entered by the user in the search page will be available in the URL's query parameters in a parameter named searchQuery.
    URLSearchParams is not supported on all browsers (it is used as an example). A list with the supported browsers can be found here. A different solution should be used if you need to support other browsers.
  6. Implement your custom search engine.
    The search results should be pushed into the <div> element created earlier with the id custom-search-results.
  7. In the custom-search-script-fragment.xml file, define the scripts that are required for your custom search engine to run. For example:
        <script src="${oxygen-webhelp-template-dir}/js/custom-search.js"></script>
  8. Copy the js folder to the output folder during the transformation process. For this, open the .opt file and add the following content in the <resources> section (see Template Resources for more details):
      <include name="js/**"/>
  9. Set the transformation parameters needed to enable the custom search engine. For this, open the .opt file and add the following content inside the <webhelp> element:
      <fragment file="custom-search-script-fragment.xml" 
      <fragment file="custom-search-results-fragment.xml" 
  10. Run the transformation with this publishing template selected.
    A sample publishing template that overrides WebHelp's default search engine is available to download here. You can use it as a starting point for your customization.