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Creating or Editing a DITA-OT Transformation

Creating a DITA-OT Transformation Scenario

To create a DITA-OT Transformation scenario, use one of the following methods:
  • Use the Configure Transformation Scenario(s) (Alt + Shift + T, C (Command + Option + T, C on macOS)) action from the DITA Maps Manager toolbar, main toolbar, or the XML menu. Then click the New button and select DITA-OT Transformation.
  • Go to Window > Show View and select Transformation Scenarios to display this view. Click the New Scenario drop-down menu button and select DITA-OT Transformation.

Both methods open the DITA Transformation Type dialog box that presents the list of possible outputs.

Figure 1. DITA Transformation Type Dialog Box

Select the desired type of output and click OK. This opens the New Scenario dialog box.

The upper part of the dialog box allows you to specify the Name of the transformation scenario.

The lower part of the dialog box contains several tabs that allow you to configure the options that control the transformation.

Editing a DITA-OT Transformation Scenario

Editing a transformation scenario is useful if you need to configure some of its parameters.

To configure an existing transformation scenario, follow these steps:
  1. Select the Configure Transformation Scenario(s) (Alt + Shift + T, C (Command + Option + T, C on macOS)) action from the DITA Maps Manager toolbar, main toolbar, or the XML menu.

    Step Result: The Configure Transformation Scenario(s) dialog box is opened.

  2. Select the particular transformation scenario and click the Edit button at the bottom of the dialog box or from the contextual menu.
    Since transformation scenarios that are associated with built-in frameworks are read-only, these scenarios will prompt you to use the Duplicate button and then edit the duplicated scenario.

Result: This will open an Edit scenario configuration dialog box that contains several tabs that allow you to configure the options that control the transformation.