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Double Side Pagination

By default, the processor generates pages that are mirror images (the right page has the header on the right side, the left pages have the header on the left side). The chapters follow one another with no constraint on the page side.

For a plain DITA map, the chapters are the <topicref> elements that are placed on the first level. For bookmaps, the chapters are the topics referenced by a <chapter> element.

This section contains information about how to position the start of the chapters on an odd folio number. Some of the CSS rules given here as examples are already listed in: [INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY]/css/print/p-optional-double-side-pagination.css. You may choose to import this file from your customization CSS.

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How to Start Chapters on Odd Pages

A common use case is to arrange the chapters of the publication to start on an odd page number.

In your customization CSS, add the following:

@page chapter {
	-oxy-initial-page-number: auto-odd;
@page table-of-contents {
	-oxy-initial-page-number: auto-odd;

Supported values for -oxy-initial-page-number include: auto, auto-even, auto-odd, or a number.

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How to Style the Empty (Blank) Pages

By making the chapters start on an odd page, the CSS processor might add blank pages to the previous page sequence as padding.

To style those blank pages add the following code in your customization CSS:

@page chapter:blank, table-of-contents:blank {
     @top-left      { content: none; }
     @top-center    { content: none; }
     @top-right     { content: none; }
     @bottom-left   { content: none; }
     @bottom-center { content: none; }
     @bottom-right  { content: none; }
This just removes the headers and footers, but you can use a background image or a header with "Intentionally left blank" text.
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How to Force an Odd or Even Number of Pages in a Chapter

Another use case is to specify a number of pages for a section. Suppose that you have a table of contents that follows the cover page and you need to have an even number of pages. Hence, the next chapter would start on an even page.

In your customization CSS, use the -oxy-force-page-count property with an even value:

@page table-of-contents {
	-oxy-force-page-count: even;

Supported values for -oxy-force-page-count include: even, odd, end-on-even, end-on-odd, auto, no-force.

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How to Style the First page of a Chapter

You can use the :first page rule selector to control how the first page of a chapter looks. Suppose that you have defined the following layout for your default page and you want to put the publication title (the maptile string ) on the header of the first page (instead of the chapter name that is displayed on this page):

In your customization CSS, add the following:

@page chapter:first {
	@top-right-corner { content: string(maptitle); }
	@top-left { content: none; }