JSON Schema Documentation
This script is
bundled with the all platforms distribution of Oxygen XML Editor Eclipse plugin. To run the script, you are required to purchase a special scripting commercial license.
You can generate documentation for a JSON Schema file from Oxygen XML Editor Eclipse plugin by using the main menu action. This tool requires an additional add-on to be installed, so the first time you invoke the action, Oxygen XML Editor Eclipse plugin presents a dialog box asking if you want to install it. Once installed, you need to restart Oxygen XML Editor Eclipse plugin and the JSON Schema Documentation action will invoke the tool.
You can use the jsonSchemaDocGen.sh script (found in the scripts subfolder inside Oxygen's installation directory) to generate documentation from a JSON schema file using the command line.
For some GitHub use-case samples for this script, see
Oxygen Documentation Template and Oxygen Documentation Action.
Arguments for the JSON Schema Documentation Script
sh scripts/jsonSchemaDocGen.sh filePath [-ofp outputFilePath] [-sb split by (location, components)] [-ea exclude annotations] [-ec exclude constraints] [-ep exclude properties] [-epp exclude pattern properties] [-ee exclude enumerations] [-es exclude source] [-eub exclude used by] [-ecp exclude compositions] [-ed exclude diagram] [-eim exclude image map] [-il include location] [-help | --help | -h | --h]
- filePath
- Mandatory argument specifying the path of the file that needs to generate documentation (it can also be provided as a URL).
- -ofp output file path
- Optional argument that specifies the path of the output file.
- -sb split by (location, components)
- Optional argument that specifies what type of split scenario is used (location, components). By default, one file scenario is used.
- -ea exclude annotations
- Optional argument that specifies if the JSON schema annotations should be present. Default value is true.
- -ec exclude constraints
- Optional argument that specifies if the JSON schema constraints should be present. Default value is true.
- -ep exclude properties
- Optional argument that specifies if the JSON schema properties should be present. Default value is true.
- -epp exclude pattern properties
- Optional argument that specifies if the JSON schema pattern properties should be present. Default value is true.
- -ee exclude enumerations
- Optional argument that specifies if the JSON schema enumerations should be present. Default value is true.
- -es exclude source
- Optional argument that specifies if the JSON schema source should be present. Default value is true.
- -eub exclude used by
- Optional argument that specifies if the JSON schema used by should be present. Default value is true.
- -ecp exclude compositions
- Optional argument that specifies if the JSON schema compositions should be present. Default value is true.
- -ed exclude diagram
- Optional argument that specifies if the JSON schema diagram should be present. Default value is true.
- -eim exclude image map
- Optional argument that specifies if the JSON schema image map should be present. Default value is true.
- -il include location
- Optional argument that specifies if the JSON schema location should be present. Default value is false.
- -help | --help | -h | --h
- Displays help text.