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How to Uninstall Oxygen XML Editor Eclipse plugin

The following procedure will remove Oxygen XML Editor Eclipse plugin from your system. It will not remove the Eclipse platform. If you want to uninstall Eclipse, refer to its uninstall instructions.
  1. Choose the menu option Help > About > Installation Details.
  2. Select Oxygen XML Editor Eclipse plugin from the list of plugins.
  3. Choose Uninstall.
  4. Accept the Eclipse restart.
  5. If you want to remove the user preferences:
    • Windows - Remove the directory: %APPDATA%\com.oxygenxml. Note that the AppData directory is hidden. If you cannot locate it, type %APPDATA% in the File Explorer address bar and click ENTER (%APPDATA% expands to [user-home-dir]\AppData\Roaming).
    • macOS - Remove the directory: Library/Preferences/com.oxygenxml of the user home folder.
    • On Linux, remove the directory: .com.oxygenxml from the user home directory.