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How to Use XSLT Extension Points from a DITA-OT Plugin

In this example, the main page footer is modified by adding copyright information extracted from the DITA bookmap or by adding the output generation time. The first use-case uses an XSLT-Import extension point while the second uses an XSLT-Parameter extension point.

This customization is available as a GitHub project at: https://github.com/oxygenxml/com.oxygenxml.webhelp.responsive.custom.footer.

Use Case 1: WebHelp XSLT-Import extension point to add copyright information extracted from a DITA Bookmap

Suppose you want to customize the WebHelp Responsive main page by adding information about the legal rights associated with the book in the footer (for example, copyright dates and owner). This information is specified in the bookmap:

    <organization>SyncRO Soft SRL</organization>                
Figure 1. Example: Copyright Information Added in the WebHelp Footer

The XSLT stylesheet that generates the main page is located in: DITA-OT-DIR\plugins\com.oxygenxml.webhelp.responsive\xsl\mainFiles\createMainPage.xsl. This XSLT stylesheet declares the copy_template mode that processes the main page template to expand its components. The main page template declares a component for the footer section that looks like this:

<div class=" footer-container text-center ">
  <whc:include_html href="${webhelp.fragment.footer}"/>

In the following example, the extension stylesheet will add a template that matches this component. It applies the default processing and adds the copyright information at the end.

<xsl:template match="*:div[contains(@class, 'footer-container')]" mode="copy_template">
  <!-- Apply the default processing -->
  <!-- Add a div containing the copyright information -->
  <div class="copyright_info">        
          <!-- Adds the start-end years if they are defined -->
          <xsl:when test="exists($toc/*:topicmeta/*:bookrights/*:copyrfirst) and 
              <span class="copyright_years">
                 &#xa9;<xsl:value-of select="$toc/*:topicmeta/*:bookrights/*:copyrfirst"/>
                       -<xsl:value-of select="$toc/*:topicmeta/*:bookrights/*:copyrlast"/>
          <!-- Adds only the first year if last is not defined. -->
          <xsl:when test="exists($toc/*:topicmeta/*:bookrights/*:copyrfirst)">
              <span class="copyright_years">
                 &#xa9;<xsl:value-of select="$toc/*:topicmeta/*:bookrights/*:copyrfirst"/>
      <xsl:if test="exists($toc/*:topicmeta/*:bookrights/*:bookowner/*:organization)">
          <span class="organization">
              <xsl:text> </xsl:text><xsl:value-of 
              <xsl:text>. All rights reserved.</xsl:text>

You can implement this functionality with a WebHelp extension plugin that uses the com.oxygenxml.webhelp.xsl.createMainPage extension point. This extension point allows you to specify a customization stylesheet that will override the template described above.

To add this functionality as a DITA-OT plugin, follow these steps:
  1. In the DITA-OT-DIR\plugins\ folder, create a folder for this plugin (for example, com.oxygenxml.webhelp.responsive.custom.footer).
  2. Create a plugin.xml file (in the folder you created in step 1) that specifies the extension point and your customization stylesheet. For example:
    <plugin id="com.oxygenxml.webhelp.responsive.custom.footer">
      <feature extension="com.oxygenxml.webhelp.xsl.createMainPage"
  3. Create your customization stylesheet (for example, custom_mainpage.xsl), and edit it to override the template that produces the footer section:
    <xsl:template match="*:div[contains(@class, 'footer-container')]" mode="copy_template">
      <!-- Apply the default processing -->
      <!-- Add a div containing the copyright information -->
      <div class="copyright_info">        
              <!-- Adds the start-end years if they are defined -->
              <xsl:when test="exists($toc/*:topicmeta/*:bookrights/*:copyrfirst) and 
                  <span class="copyright_years">
                     &#xa9;<xsl:value-of select="$toc/*:topicmeta/*:bookrights/*:copyrfirst"/>
                           -<xsl:value-of select="$toc/*:topicmeta/*:bookrights/*:copyrlast"/>
              <!-- Adds only the first year if last is not defined. -->
              <xsl:when test="exists($toc/*:topicmeta/*:bookrights/*:copyrfirst)">
                  <span class="copyright_years">
                     &#xa9;<xsl:value-of select="$toc/*:topicmeta/*:bookrights/*:copyrfirst"/>
          <xsl:if test="exists($toc/*:topicmeta/*:bookrights/*:bookowner/*:organization)">
              <span class="organization">
                  <xsl:text> </xsl:text><xsl:value-of 
                  <xsl:text>. All rights reserved.</xsl:text>
  4. Use the Integrate/Install DITA-OT Plugins transformation scenario found in the DITA Map section in the Configure Transformation Scenario(s) dialog box.
  5. Run a DITA Map WebHelp Responsive transformation scenario to obtain the customized side TOC.

Use-Case 2: WebHelp XSLT-Parameter Extension Point to Control if Generation Time is Displayed in the Output

Another possible customization for the main page is to add the generation time in its footer. You can use an XSLT-Parameter extension point to control whether or note this customization is active. In this case, you can use the com.oxygenxml.webhelp.xsl.createMainPage.param extension point.

Figure 2. Generation Time Added in the WebHelp Footer
To add this functionality, follow these steps:
  1. Create a DITA-OT plugin structure by following the first 3 steps in the procedure above.
  2. In the customization stylesheet that you just created (for example, custom_mainpage.xsl), declare webhelp.footer.add.generation.time as a global parameter and modify the template by adding the following XSLT code at the end.
    <xsl:if test="$webhelp.footer.add.generation.time = 'yes'">
        <div class="generation_time">
            Generation date: <xsl:value-of select="format-dateTime(
                  current-dateTime(), '[h1]:[m01] [P] on [M01]/[D01]/[Y0001].')"/>
  3. Edit the plugin.xml file to specify the com.oxygenxml.webhelp.xsl.createMainPage.param extension point and a custom parameter file by adding the following line:
    <feature extension="com.oxygenxml.webhelp.xsl.createMainPage.param" file="params.xml"/>
  4. Create a custom parameter file (for example, params.xml). It should look like this:
        <param name="webhelp.footer.add.generation.time" 
  5. Use the Integrate/Install DITA-OT Plugins transformation scenario found in the DITA Map section in the Configure Transformation Scenario(s) dialog box.
  6. Edit a DITA Map WebHelp Responsive transformation scenario and in the Parameters tab, specify the desired value (yes or no) for your custom parameter (webhelp.footer.add.generation.time).
  7. Run the transformation scenario.