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Localizing the User Interface

Oxygen JSON Editor comes with the following built-in languages: English, French, German, Japanese, Dutch, and Chinese. To change the interface language, go to Options > Preferences > Global preferences page, then choose the appropriate language from the Language drop-down menu.

You can also localize the interface in another language by creating an interface localization file.

How to Create an Interface Localization File

You can change the language of the Oxygen JSON Editor user interface by creating an interface localization file:
  1. Identify the code for the new language you want to translate the interface. It is composed from a language code (two or three lowercase letters that conform to the ISO 639 standard), followed by an underscore character, and a region code (two or three uppercase letters that conform to the ISO 3166 standard).
  2. Write an email to the Oxygen JSON Editor support team and ask them to send you the translation.xml sample file.
  3. Open the translation.xml file in Oxygen JSON Editor. The file contains all the interface messages that can be translated and is updated at every new release with the latest additions. Here is a small sample of its content:
            <language description="English" lang="en_US"/>
        <key value="New">
            <comment>The File/New action. Creates a new document.</comment>
            <val lang="en_US">New</val>
        <key value="New_folder">
            <comment>Creates a folder in the Project View.</comment>
            <val lang="en_US">New Folder</val>
  4. Update the <language> element to reflect the new language. For example, set the @description attribute to Spanish and the @lang attribute to es_ES.
  5. For each <key> element, translate the <comment> (optional) and <val> elements. For example, set the @lang attribute to es_ES.
    After you are finished, the file should look like this:
            <language description="Español" lang="es_ES"/>
        <key value="New">
            <comment>El Archivo / Nueva acción. Crea un nuevo documento.</comment>
            <val lang="es_ES">Nuevo</val>
        <key value="New_folder">
            <comment>Crea una carpeta en la vista del proyecto.</comment>
            <val lang="es_ES">Nueva carpeta</val>
  6. Open the Preferences dialog box (Options > Preferences), go to Global, and select the Other language option. Browse for the translation.xml file.
  7. Restart the application.

Adding New Languages to the Interface

Oxygen JSON Editor provides a plugin extension is available in the Oxygen SDK that provides the ability to contribute a new translation language to the interface. By using this plugin extension, you can bundle the new language translation and that new language will be available in the Languages drop-down menu in the Options > Preferences > Global preferences page.