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Associating a JSON Schema Through a Validation Scenario

Oxygen JSON Editor uses the rules defined in the detected schema to report errors and warnings during automatic and manual validations that help maintain the structural integrity of your JSON documents. Oxygen JSON Editor includes built-in validation engines for validating JSON documents against a JSON Schema or Schematron schema. There are several methods that can be used to validate JSON document with a schema.

Configure a Validation Scenario and Specify the Schema

You can specify the schema to be used for validation directly in the JSON validation scenario. To associate a schema to a validation scenario to be used whenever the scenario is invoked, follow these steps:
  1. Select the Configure Validation Scenario(s) from the Validation toolbar drop-down menu, from the Document > Validate menu, or from the Validate submenu when invoking the contextual menu on a JSON file in the Project view).
  2. Click the New button to create a new validation scenario or the Edit button to modify an existing one.
  3. Add or configure validation units according to your needs. For details about all of the configuration options, see Creating a JSON Validation Scenario.
  4. Click the Specify Schema button to select the schema to be associated with the validation unit.
  5. Click OK on both dialog boxes.

Result: The schema is now associated with that validation scenario whenever it is invoked.

Use the Validate with Action to Specify a Schema for Validating the Current Document

To validate the current document using a specified schema, follow these steps:
  1. Select the Validation with action from the Validation drop-down menu on the toolbar (or Document > Validate menu).

    Step Result: The Validate with dialog box is displayed:

    Figure 1. Validate with Dialog Box
    This dialog box contains the following options:
    • URL - Allows you to specify or select a URL for the schema. It also keeps a history of the last used schemas. The URL must point to the schema file that can be loaded from the local disk or from a remote server through HTTP(S) or SFTP. You can specify the URL by using the text field, the history drop-down, the Insert Editor Variables button, or the browsing actions in the Browse drop-down list.
    • Schema type - You can select one of the following two types (other types of schema will not work with JSON documents):
      • JSON - Used for validating JSON documents against a specified JSON Schema.
      • Schematron - Used for validating JSON documents against a specified Schematron schema. You can also select a Schematron phase that you want to use for the validation.
        For proper error localization, the root element of the Schematron schema should include the @queryBinding attribute with the value of xslt2 after the Schematron namespace declaration:
        <sch:schema xmlns:sch="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron" queryBinding="xslt2">
  2. Select the schema to be associated with the manual validation.
  3. Click OK.

Result: The current document is validated using the schema you specified.

Use the Validate with Schema Action to Specify a Schema for Validating all Selected JSON Documents

To validate multiple JSON documents using a specified schema, follow these steps:
  1. Select all the JSON documents you want to validate in the Project view.
  2. Invoke the contextual menu (right-click) and select the Validate with Schema action from the Validate submenu.

    Step Result: The Validate with dialog box is displayed:

    Figure 2. Validate with Dialog Box
    This dialog box contains the following options:
    • URL - Allows you to specify or select a URL for the schema. It also keeps a history of the last used schemas. The URL must point to the schema file that can be loaded from the local disk or from a remote server through HTTP(S), SFTP. You can specify the URL by using the text field, the history drop-down, the Insert Editor Variables button, or the browsing actions in the Browse drop-down list.
    • Schema type - You can select one of the following two types (other types of schema will not work with JSON documents):
      • JSON - Used for validating JSON documents against a specified JSON Schema.
      • Schematron - Used for validating JSON documents against a specified Schematron schema. You can also select a Schematron phase that you want to use for the validation.
        For proper error localization, the root element of the Schematron schema should include the @queryBinding attribute with the value of xslt2 after the Schematron namespace declaration:
        <sch:schema xmlns:sch="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron" queryBinding="xslt2">
  3. Select the JSON schema that you want to use to validate all selected JSON documents.
  4. Click OK.

Result: The selected JSON documents are validated using the JSON schema you specified.