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How to Uninstall Oxygen JSON Editor

The following procedure will remove Oxygen JSON Editor from your system. All data stored in the installation directory will be removed, including any customizations or any other data you have stored within that directory. Make a backup of any data you want to keep before proceeding.
  1. Back up any data you want to keep from the Oxygen JSON Editor installation folder.
  2. Remove the application according to your operating system:
    • Windows or Linux - Use the appropriate uninstaller shortcut provided with your OS.
    • macOS - Manually delete the installation folder and all its contents.
  3. If you want to remove the user preferences:
    • Windows - Remove the directory: %APPDATA%\com.oxygenxml.jsoneditor. Note that the AppData directory is hidden. If you cannot locate it, type %APPDATA% and press ENTER in the File Explorer address bar. (%APPDATA% expands to [user-home-dir]\AppData\Roaming).
    • macOS - Remove the directory: Library/Preferences/com.oxygenxml.jsoneditor of the user home folder.
    • On Linux, remove the directory: .com.oxygenxml.jsoneditor from the user home directory.

Unattended Uninstall

The unattended uninstall procedure is available only on Windows and Linux.

Run the uninstaller executable from a command line with the -q parameter.
  • Windows - The uninstaller executable is called uninstall.exe and is located in the Oxygen installation directory.
  • Linux - The uninstaller executable is called uninstall and is located in the Oxygen installation directory.