Table of Contents
The table of contents is a hierarchy of topic titles with links to the topic content.
element in the <booklists>
(inside the
Table of Contents - XML Fragment
In the merged
map file, the <opentopic:map>
contains a hierarchy of
elements, or other elements (such as
or <part>
) that are specializations
of <topicref>
Each of the <topicref>
elements include a metadata section that
includes the topic title.
<bookmap ...>
<oxy:front-page> ... </oxy:front-page>
<oxy:front-matter> ... </oxy:front-matter>
<opentopic:map xmlns:opentopic="" class="- toc/toc ">
<oxy:toc-title xmlns:oxy="" empty="true"
class="- toc/title "/>
<booktitle class="- topic/title bookmap/booktitle ">
<booklibrary class="- topic/ph bookmap/booklibrary ">Retro Tools</booklibrary>
<mainbooktitle class="- topic/ph bookmap/mainbooktitle ">Tasks</mainbooktitle>
<booktitlealt class="- topic/ph bookmap/booktitlealt ">Product Tasks</booktitlealt>
<chapter is-chapter="true"
class="- map/topicref bookmap/chapter " href="#unique_5" type="topic">
<topicmeta class="- map/topicmeta " data-topic-id="installing">
<navtitle href="#unique_5" class="- topic/navtitle ">Installing</navtitle>
<topicref class="- map/topicref " href="#unique_6" type="task">
<topicmeta class="- map/topicmeta " data-topic-id="installstorage">
<navtitle href="#unique_6" class="- topic/navtitle ">Installing</navtitle>
For the DITA Map PDF - based on HTML5 & CSS
transformation type, the merged map is further processed resulting in a collection
of HTML5 <div>
elements. These elements preserve the
original DITA @class
attribute values and add a new value derived
from the DITA element name.
<div class="- bookmap/bookmap map/map map bookmap" ...>
<div class="- front-page/front-page front-page"> ... </div>
<div class="- bookmap/frontmatter frontmatter"> ... </div>
<div class=" toc/toc toc">
<div class="toc/toc-title toc-title" empty="true"/>
<div class="- topic/title bookmap/booktitle booktitle">
<div class="- topic/ph bookmap/booklibrary booklibrary">Retro Tools</div>
<div class="- topic/ph bookmap/mainbooktitle mainbooktitle">Tasks</div>
<div class="- topic/ph bookmap/booktitlealt booktitlealt">Product Tasks</div>
<div is-chapter="true"
class="- map/topicref bookmap/chapter topicref chapter " href="#unique_5" type="topic">
<div class="- map/topicmeta topicmeta" data-topic-id="installing">
<div href="#unique_5" class="- topic/navtitle navtitle">Installing</div>
<div class="- map/topicref topicref chapter " href="#unique_6" type="task">
<div class="- map/topicmeta topicmeta" data-topic-id="installstorage">
<div href="#unique_6" class="- topic/navtitle navtitle">Installing</div>
element is used as a placeholder for the name
of the TOC. For instance, you can use the string "Contents", specified on a pseudo-element, in
the CSS.Table of Contents - Built-in CSS
The built-in CSS rules are in: [PLUGIN_DIR]/css/print/p-toc.css.
How to Increase TOC Depth
By default, only the first three levels of topics are displayed in the Table of Contents of the PDF output.
The CSS rule (see Table of Contents - Built-in CSS) that hides topics on higher levels is:
/* Hide sections below level 3. */
*[class ~= "map/topicref"][is-chapter] >
*[class ~= "map/topicref"]:not([is-chapter]) >
*[class ~= "map/topicref"] >
*[class ~= "map/topicref"] {
display: none;
*[class ~= "map/topicref"][is-chapter] >
*[class ~= "map/topicref"]:not([is-chapter]) >
*[class ~= "map/topicref"] >
*[class ~= "map/topicref"]{
parameter is set to a value other than
, you also need to add the following rules in your customization
CSS:*[class ~= "map/map"][numbering ^= 'deep']
*[class ~= "map/topicref"][is-chapter]:not([is-part]) >
*[class ~= "map/topicref"] >
*[class ~= "map/topicref"]
*[class ~= "map/topicref"] {
counter-increment: toc-chapter-and-sections;
*[class ~= "map/map"][numbering ^= 'deep']
*[class ~= "map/topicref"][is-chapter]:not([is-part]) >
*[class ~= "map/topicref"] >
*[class ~= "map/topicref"]
*[class ~= "map/topicref"] >
*[class ~= "map/topicmeta"] + *[class ~= "map/topicref"] {
counter-reset: toc-chapter-and-sections;
*[class ~= "map/map"][numbering ^= 'deep']
*[class ~= "map/topicref"][is-chapter]:not([is-part]) >
*[class ~= "map/topicref"] >
*[class ~= "map/topicref"] >
*[class ~= "map/topicref"]
*[class ~= "map/topicref"] > *[class ~= "map/topicmeta"]:before {
content: counters(toc-chapter-and-sections, ".") ". ";
How to Style TOC Entries
class.In your customization CSS, add the following two selectors:
/* The toc item label - the topic title */
*[class ~= "map/topicref"] *[class ~= "topic/navtitle"] {
color: navy;
/* The dotted line between the topic name and the page number. */
*[class ~= "map/topicref"] *[class ~= "topic/navtitle"]:after {
content: leader('-') target-counter(attr(href), page);
color: navy;
And if you need to alter the indent of the nested table of content items, use the following selector:
*[class ~= "map/topicref"] *[class ~= "map/topicref"] {
margin-left: 1em;
The numbers can be styled like this:
*[class ~= "map/topicref"] > *[class ~= "map/topicmeta"]:before,
*[class ~= "map/topicref"]
> *[class ~= "map/topicmeta"] > *[class ~= "topic/navtitle"]:before{
The following is an example of customizing the font size for the items representing chapters.
The chapters are level one topics and are marked in the merged DITA document TOC with the
attribute @is-chapter
*[class ~= "map/topicref"][is-chapter = "true"] > *[class ~= "map/topicmeta"] > *[class ~= "topic/navtitle"]{
How to Change TOC Header
In the built-in CSS, there is a page named table-of-contents. The default is to
have the word 'Contents' in its header (this is localized, using the
string defined in the p-18n.css)
alternating in the left or right side of the header:
@page table-of-contents:left {
@top-left {
content: string(toc-header) " | " counter(page, lower-roman);
font-size: 8pt;
@page table-of-contents:right {
@top-right {
content: string(toc-header) " | " counter(page, lower-roman);
font-size: 8pt;
If you need to change this string, or change the color, you should use the following
selectors as a starting point in your customization CSS:
@page table-of-contents:left {
@top-left {
content: "My publication table of contents | " counter(page, lower-roman);
@page table-of-contents:right {
@top-right {
content: "My publication table of contents | " counter(page, lower-roman);
@page table-of-contents:first:left {
@top-left {
content: string(toc-header) " | " counter(page, lower-roman);
@page table-of-contents:first:right {
@top-right {
content: string(toc-header) " | " counter(page, lower-roman);
How to Make the TOC Start on an Odd Page
In your customization CSS, add the following snippet for the table-of-contents page:
@page table-of-contents{
-oxy-initial-page-number: auto-odd;
How to Display a Topic Before the TOC
- Make sure the topic is referenced on the first level in the DITA map.
- Set the
on the<topicref>
<topicref href="pathToMyTopic" outputclass="before-toc">
Result: When the PDF is processed, the topic will automatically appear before the table of contents.
How to Remove Entries from the TOC
To remove entries from the table of contents, set the @toc="no"
attribute on
the topicrefs from the map that need to be removed. This is sometimes desirable for the topics
listed in the frontmatter or backmatter when using a bookmap.
How to Display Subtopics in TOC
elements) are not displayed
in the Table of Contents. To be displayed, they must be referenced in the DITA
<topicref href="topic.dita">
<topicref href="topic.dita#nested1">
<topicref href="topic.dita#nested11"/>
<topicref href="topic.dita#nested2"/>
where nestedX
is the subtopic's @id
value.How to Hide the TOC
- [Recommended] Use a DITA
instead of a<map>
, and omit the<toc>
element from the<booklists>
. An example bookmap can be found in the DITA 1.3 Spec. - Use the transformation parameter: hide.frontpage.toc.index.glossary.
- Use a
property to hide the element that contains the TOC structure, and also remove it from the PDF bookmarks tree:*[class ~= "map/map"] > *[class ~= "toc/toc"] { display:none; } *[class ~= "map/map"] > *[class ~= "toc/toc"] > *[class ~= "toc/title"]{ bookmark-label: none; -ah-bookmark-label: none; }
How to Display Short Descriptions in the TOC
To display the short descriptions from the topics in the table of contents, you need to make
the <shortdesc>
element visible.
The following example only makes the short descriptions associated with the chapters visible.
The chapters are level one topics and are marked in the merged DITA document TOC with the
attribute @is-chapter
In your customization CSS, add the following CSS selector:
*[class ~= "map/topicref"][is-chapter = "true"] > *[class ~= "map/topicmeta"] > *[class ~= "map/shortdesc"] {
display:block; /* The default is none - the shortdesc is hidden. */