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How to Sign a PDF

The following Bouncy Castle libraries must be downloaded (in their last available version):
  • bcpkix-jdk18on
  • bcprov-jdk18on
  • bcutil-jdk18on
  1. Install an external Oxygen PDF Chemistry processor.
    A separate installation is required to include the additional libraries.
  2. Copy the Bouncy Castle libraries to the [CHEMISTRY_INSTALL_DIR]/lib directory.
  3. Create a keystore file (if you do not already have one). See Oxygen PDF Chemistry User Guide: Signing for information about how to create one.
  4. Set the keystore file as the value for the chemistry.sign.keystore parameter.
  5. Optional: If the keystore uses an export password, set it as the chemistry.sign.password value.
  6. Optional: If you need to add more information (such as your company name), you can set the other chemistry.sign.* parameters.
  7. Set the external Oxygen PDF Chemistry path as the value for css.processor.path.chemistry.
  8. Run the transformation scenario.