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Publishing Template Package Contents for WebHelp Responsive Customizations

An Oxygen Publishing Template package for WebHelp output must contain a template descriptor file and at least one CSS file, and may contain other resources (such as graphics, XHTML files, XSLT files, etc.). All the template resources can be stored in either a ZIP archive or in a folder. It is recommended to use a ZIP archive because it is easier to share with others.

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Template Descriptor File

Each publishing template includes a descriptor file that defines the meta-data associated with the template. It is an XML file that defines all the resources included in a template (such as CSS files, images, JS files, and transformation parameters).

The template descriptor file must have the .opt file extension and must be located in the template's root folder.

A template descriptor might look like this:


        <preview-image file="flowers-tree.png"/>
        <!-- Resources (CSS, favicon, logo and others) -->
            <!-- Main CSS file -->
            <css file="flowers.css"/>
             <!-- Resources to copy to the output folder -->
                <include name="resources/**/*"/>
                <exclude name="resources/**/.svn"/>
                <exclude name="resources/**/.git"/>
            <parameter name="webhelp.show.main.page.tiles" value="no"/>
            <parameter name="webhelp.show.main.page.toc" value="yes"/>
            <parameter name="webhelp.top.menu.depth" value="3"/>
It is recommended to edit the template descriptor in Oxygen XML Editor/Author because it provides content completion and validation support.

Template Name and Description

Each template descriptor file requires a <name> element. This information is displayed as the name of the template in the transformation scenario dialog box.

Optionally, you can include a <description> and it displayed when the user hovers over the template in the transformation scenario dialog box.

    <name>Lorem Ipsum</name>
    <description>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit</description>

Template Author

Optionally, you can include author information in the descriptor file and it displayed when the user hovers over the template in the transformation scenario dialog box. This information might be useful if users run into an issue or have questions about a certain template.

If you include the <author> element, a <name> is required and optionally you can include <email>, <organization>, and <organizationUrl> information.

      <name>John Doe</name>

Webhelp Element

The <webhelp> element contains various details that define the WebHelp Responsive output. It is a required element if you intend on using a WebHelp Responsive transformation scenario. The elements that are allowed in this <webhelp> section specify the template tags, template preview image, resources (such as CSS, JS, fonts, logos), transformation parameters, HTML fragment extensions (used to add fragments to placeholders), XSLT extensions, or HTML page layout files.

        <preview-image file="MyPreview.png"/>




Template Tags

The <tags> section provides meta information about the template (such as layout type or color theme). Each tag is displayed at the top of the Templates tab window in the transformation scenario dialog box and they help the user filter and find particular templates.


Template Preview Image

The <preview-image> element is used to specify an image that will be displayed in the transformation scenario dialog box. It provides a visual representation of the template to help the user select the right template. The image dimensions should be 200 x 115 pixels and the supported image formats are: JPEG, PNG, or GIF.

You can also include an <online-preview-url> element to specify the URL of a published sample of your template. This will display an Online preview icon in the bottom-right corner the image in the transformation scenario dialog box and if the user clicks that icon, it will open the specified URL in their default browser.
      <preview-image file="ashes/ashes-tree.png"/>
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Template Resources

The <resources> section of the descriptor file specifies a set of resources (CSS, JS, fonts, logos, graphics, etc.) that are used to customize various components in the generated output. These resources will be copied to the output folder during the transformation process. At least one CSS file must be included, while the other types of resources are optional.

All paths set in the @file attribute must be relative.
This section is defined using the <resources> element and the types of resources that can be specified include:
  • CSS files - One or more CSS files that will define the styles of all generated HTML pages. They are referenced using the <css> element.
  • Favicon - You can specify the path to an image for the favicon associated with your website. It is referenced using the <favicon> element.
  • Logo - You can specify the path to a logo image that will be displayed in the left side of the output header. It is referenced using the <logo> element. Optionally, you can also specify:
    • @target-url - Redirects the user to the specified URL if they click the logo in the output.
    • @new-tab - Opens the target URL in a new browser tab.
    • @alt - Provides an alternate text for the logo image.
  • Additional Resources (graphics, JS, fonts, folders) - For other resources (such as images referenced in CSS, JavaScript, fonts, entire folders, etc.) that need to be included in the output, you need to instruct the transformation to include them in the output folder. You can specify one or more sets of additional resources to be copied to the output folder by using the <fileset> element and you can use one or more <include> and <exclude> elements. This semantic is similar to the ANT FileSet.
          <css file="css/custom_styles.css"/>
          <css file="css/custom_fonts.css"/>

          <favicon file="images/favicon.png"/>

           alt="Alternate text for the logo image"

          <js-amd-module file="js/template-main.js"/>

              <include name="common/**/*"/>
              <include name="JS/**/*"/>              
              <exclude name="**/*.svn"/>
              <exclude name="**/*.git"/>
All relative paths specified in the descriptor file are relative to the template root folder.

The resources specified in the template descriptor are copied to the following output folder: [WebHelp_OUTPUT_DIR]/oxygen-webhelp/template. The following graphic illustrates the mapping between the template resources and the location where they will be copied to the output folder:

Figure 1. Template Resources Mapping
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Transformation Parameters

You can also set one or more WebHelp transformation parameters in the descriptor file.

The following information can be specified in the <parameter> element:

Parameter name
The name of the parameter. It may be one of the WebHelp Responsive transformation parameters or a DITA-OT HTML-based output parameter.
It is not recommended to specify an input/output parameter in the descriptor file (such as the input Map, DITAVAL file, or temporary directory).
JVM arguments like -Xmx cannot be specified as a transformation parameter.
Parameter Value
The value of the parameter. It should be a relative path to the template root folder for file paths parameters.
Parameter Type
The type of the parameter: string or filepath. The string value is default.

After creating a publishing template and adding it to the templates gallery, when you select the template in the transformation scenario dialog box in Oxygen XML Editor/Author, the Parameters tab will automatically be updated to include the parameters defined in the descriptor file. These parameters are displayed in italics.

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XSLT Extension Points

The publishing templates can include one or more supported XSLT extension points. They are helpful when you want to change the structure of the HTML pages that are primarily generated from XSLT processing. They can be specified using the <xslt> element in the descriptor file using the following structure:
For a full list of the supported extension points, see: XSLT-Import and XSLT-Parameter Extension Points.
You can read the value of a WebHelp transformation parameter from your XSLT extension stylesheets by using the getParameter(param.name) function from the http://www.oxygenxml.com/functions namespace.
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HTML Fragment Placeholders

The HTML pages contain component placeholders that can be used to insert custom HTML fragments either by specifying a well-formed XHTML fragment or referencing a path to a file that contains a well-formed XHTML fragment (for details on how the file or fragment needs to be constructed, see How to Insert Custom HTML Content).

These fragments and their placeholder location are defined in the descriptor file using a <fragment> element inside the <html-fragments> section. You can specify one or more HTML fragment extension points in the descriptor file using the following structure:

Some of these placeholders are left empty in the default output configurations, but you can use them to insert custom content.

Each placeholder has an associated parameter value in the transformation. Some of the placeholder parameters are global and can be used in all type of pages (main page, topic page, search results page, index terms page), while others are applicable for certain type of pages. The following diagram illustrates the predefined placeholders that are global (can be used in any of the types of pages.

Figure 2. Global Predefined Placeholders Diagram
HeaderAfter HeaderBefore BodyBefore Logo and TitleAfter Logo and TitleBeforer Top MenuAfter Top MenuBefore Search InputAfter Search InputBefore Main ContentAfter Main ContentFooterAfter Body

Global Placeholder Parameters

The following placeholder parameters can be used in any of the type of pages (main page, topic page, search results page, index terms page). The parameter values can be either a well-formed XHTML fragment or a path to a file that contains a well-formed XHTML fragment:
  • 1 = webhelp.fragment.header - Displays the specified XHTML fragment in the header section.
  • 2 = webhelp.fragment.after.header - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the header section.
  • 3 = webhelp.fragment.before.body - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the body.
  • 4 = webhelp.fragment.before.logo_and_title - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the logo and title.
  • 5 = webhelp.fragment.after.logo_and_title - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the logo and title.
  • 6 = webhelp.fragment.before.top_menu - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the top menu.
  • 7 = webhelp.fragment.after.top_menu - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the top menu.
  • 8 = webhelp.fragment.before.search.input - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the search input component.
  • 9 = webhelp.fragment.after.search.input - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the search input component.
  • 10 = webhelp.fragment.before.main.content.area - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the main content area
  • 11 = webhelp.fragment.after.main.content.area - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the main content area.
  • 13 = webhelp.fragment.after.body - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the body.

Main Page Placeholder Parameters

The following placeholder parameters can be used in the main page. The parameter values can be either a well-formed XHTML fragment or a path to a file that contains a well-formed XHTML fragment:
  • webhelp.fragment.header.main.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment in the header section.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.header.main.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the header section.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.body.main.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the body.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.search.input.main.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the search input component.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.search.input.main.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the search input component.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.main.content.area.main.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the main content area
  • webhelp.fragment.after.main.content.area.main.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the main content area.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.body.main.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the body.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.toc_or_tiles - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the main table of contents or tiles component on the main page.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.toc_or_tiles - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the main table of contents or tiles component on the main page.

Topic Page Placeholder Parameters

The following placeholder parameters can be used in the topic page. The parameter values can be either a well-formed XHTML fragment or a path to a file that contains a well-formed XHTML fragment:
  • webhelp.fragment.header.topic.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment in the header section.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.header.topic.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the header section.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.body.topic.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the body.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.search.input.topic.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the search input component.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.search.input.topic.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the search input component.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.main.content.area.topic.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the main content area
  • webhelp.fragment.after.main.content.area.topic.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the main content area.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.body.topic.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the body.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.topic.toolbar - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the toolbar buttons above the topic content in the topic page.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.topic.toolbar - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the toolbar buttons above the topic content in the topic page.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.topic.breadcrumb - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the breadcrumb component in the topic page.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.topic.breadcrumb - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the breadcrumb component in the topic page.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.publication.toc - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the publication's table of contents component in the topic page.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.publication.toc - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the publication's table of contents component in the topic page.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.topic.content - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the topic's main content in the topic page.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.topic.content - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the topic's main content in the topic page.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.feedback - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the Oxygen Feedback commenting component in the topic page.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.feedback - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the Oxygen Feedback commenting component in the topic page.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.topic.toc - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the topic's table of contents component in the topic page.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.topic.toc - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the topic's table of contents component in the topic page.

Search Results Page Placeholder Parameters

The following placeholder parameters can be used in the search results page. The parameter values can be either a well-formed XHTML fragment or a path to a file that contains a well-formed XHTML fragment:
  • webhelp.fragment.header.search.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment in the header section.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.header.search.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the header section.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.body.search.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the body.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.search.input.search.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the search input component.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.search.input.search.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the search input component.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.main.content.area.search.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the main content area
  • webhelp.fragment.after.main.content.area.search.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the main content area.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.body.search.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the body.
  • webhelp.google.search.script - Replaces the search input component with a Google search component.

Index Terms Page Placeholder Parameters

The following placeholder parameters can be used in the search results page. The parameter values can be either a well-formed XHTML fragment or a path to a file that contains a well-formed XHTML fragment:
  • webhelp.fragment.header.terms.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment in the header section.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.header.terms.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the header section.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.body.terms.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the body.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.search.input.terms.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the search input component.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.search.input.terms.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the search input component.
  • webhelp.fragment.before.main.content.area.terms.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment before the main content area
  • webhelp.fragment.after.main.content.area.terms.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the main content area.
  • webhelp.fragment.after.body.terms.page - Displays the specified XHTML fragment after the body.

Using String Values in Placeholder Parameter Values

If you use strings for values of HTML fragment placeholder parameter values, the string values are written to files in the transformation's temporary directory. The values of the associated parameters reference the paths of the temporary files. This means that the HTML fragments will have a uniform processing in the WebHelp's XSLT Module.


Suppose the placeholder parameter has the following string value:
# String value
webhelp.fragment.welcome = <p>This is an HTML paragraph.</p>

A new file that contains the parameter's value is created:

<p>This is an HTML paragraph.</p>
The parameter's value then becomes:
# Absolute file path as value
webhelp.fragment.welcome= [temp-dir]/whr-html-fragments/webhelp_fragment_welcome.xml
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WebHelp Responsive Macros

You can use the whc:macro layout component to specify a macro value (a variable that will be expanded when the output files are generated).

A macro has the following syntax:

A macro name can accept any alphanumeric characters, as well as the following characters: - (minus), _ (underscore), . (dot), : (colon). The value of a parameter may contain any character except the } (close curly bracket) character.


The following macros are supported:
For localizing a string.
Returns the value of a transformation parameter.
Returns the value of an environment variable.
Returns the value of a system property.
Can be used to format the current date and time. Accepts a string (as a parameter) that determines how the date and time will be formatted (format string or picture string as it is known in the XSLT specification). The format string must comply with the rules of the XSLT format-dateTime function specification.
${timestamp([h1]:[m01] [P] [M01]/[D01]/[Y0001])}
Returns the path associated with the specified path ID. The following paths IDs are supported:
  • oxygen-webhelp-output-dir - The path to the output directory. The path is relative to the current HTML file.
  • oxygen-webhelp-assets-dir - The path to the oxygen-webhelp subdirectory from the output directory. The path is relative to the current HTML file.
  • oxygen-webhelp-template-dir - The path to the template directory. The path is relative to the current HTML file.
New paths IDs can be added by overriding the wh-macro-custom-path template from com.oxygenxml.webhelp.responsive\xsl\template\macroExpander.xsl:
<!-- Extension template for expanding a custom path macro. -->
<xsl:template name="wh-macro-custom-path">
    <xsl:param name="pathId"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="$pathId"/>
Can be used to execute an XPath expression over the DITA map file from the temporary directory.
Available in all template layout HTML pages.
Can be used to execute an XPath expression over the current topic.
Available only in the topic HTML page template (wt_topic.html).
${topic-xpath(string-join(//shortdesc//text(), ' '))}
Returns the current WebHelp distribution ID (build number).


To add new macros, you can add an XSLT extension to overwrite the wh-macro-extension template from the com.oxygenxml.webhelp.responsive\xsl\template\macroExpander.xsl file.
<!-- Extension template for expanding custom macro constructs -->
<xsl:template name="wh-macro-extension">
    <xsl:param name="name"/>
    <xsl:param name="params"/>
    <xsl:param name="contextNode"/>
    <xsl:param name="matchedString"/>
        <xsl:when test="$contextNode instance of attribute()">
            <xsl:value-of select="$matchedString"/>
            <xsl:message>Cannot expand macro: 
                [<xsl:value-of select="$matchedString"/>]</xsl:message>
            <xsl:copy-of select="$contextNode"/>
The wh-macro-extension template has the following parameters:
  • name - The name of the current macro.
  • params - List of parameters of the current macro as a string sequence. The current macros parsing mechanism only allows macros with a maximum of one parameter. Consequently, this list will contain at most one element.
  • contextNode - The current element or attribute where the macro was declared.
  • matchedString - The entire value of the matched macro as specified in the HTML template page.
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Combining WebHelp Responsive and PDF Customizations in a Template Package

An Oxygen Publishing Template package can contain both a WebHelp Responsive and PDF customization in the same template package and you can use that same template in both types of transformations. The template descriptor file can define the customization for both types by including both a <webhelp> and <pdf> element and some of the resources can be reused. Resources referenced in elements in the <webhelp> element will only be used for WebHelp transformations, and resources referenced in the elements in the <pdf> element will only be used in PDF transformations.
    <description>Flowers themed light-colored template</description>

        <preview-image file="flowers-preview.png"/>
            <css file="flowers-wh.css"/>
            <css file="flowers-page-styling.css"/>
            <parameter name="webhelp.show.main.page.tiles" value="no"/>
            <parameter name="webhelp.show.main.page.toc" value="yes"/>
        <preview-image file="flowers-preview.png"/>
            <css file="flowers-pdf.css"/>
            <css file="flowers-page-styling.css"/>
            <parameter name="show.changes.and.comments" value="yes"/>"/>