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Subscription Page

Users assigned as the organization Owner or Billing Manager have access to the Subscription page. To create a site (a Feedback configuration), the organization must have an active subscription plan (managed by the organization Owner or Billing Manager). By default, a 30-day free trial plan is assigned when you sign up for an account, but you will need to subscribe to a different plan to continue using the service after those 30 days.

Each plan has a different limit for the number of allowed page views, site configurations, and moderators. For example, the Team plan allows you have up to 50,000 page views per month, up to 3 site configurations, and up to 4 moderators.
Note: The number of allowed moderators per site configuration = site-level moderators + organization-level moderators + pending moderator invitations.
Notice: If your subscription expires or if the number of page views allowed by your plan is exceeded for a particular month, you will receive a notification and the comments component will be disabled until the subscription is renewed/upgraded or until the end of the month (in the case of exceeding the page views limit). If an expired subscription is not renewed, the comments are still visible for a limited period of time (e.g. 2 weeks). After that, they will no longer be displayed.

To see an overview of all the available subscription plans, go to https://www.oxygenxml.com/oxygen_feedback/buy_feedback.html.

If you have already selected a plan, you can change or renew it by selecting Subscription from the side panel.

You will be directed to a Subscription Plans page where you can choose from several different plans. If you have already chosen a subscription plan, you will see a box with your current plan and some statistics. The statistics show the number of page views for the current month:
  • Used - The percentage of allowed page views already used for the current month.
  • Estimated - The estimated percentage of allowed page views that will be used by the end of the current month.
  • Average - The average percentage of allowed page views used in previous months (not including the current month).
Note: If there is a problem with the current subscription (e.g. the current plan has been discontinued), a message will be displayed in an Important Notice area within the plan's box.