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What is Oxygen Feedback?

Oxygen Feedback is a comment management platform that can be embedded in WebHelp Responsive output or any HTML-based website. It provides easy interaction with customers, whose feedback can be used to gain a better understanding of customer needs, continually improve products, documentation, or websites, and to make corrections in a timely manner. It also provides a very efficient medium for your community to ask questions and receive answers from you or other community members. It has a modern, stylish appearance that looks great on any website, it is very easy to integrate and configure, and it includes a user-friendly interface and numerous useful features for both Commenters and Administrators.

It was originally intended to be an enhanced, modernized replacement for the feedback component in the Oxygen XML WebHelp Responsive online help system. WebHelp administrators desired greater flexibility for configuring options and moderating comments, an improved user-friendly interface, and a more modern design. As its development evolved, it was decided to also make Oxygen Feedback a standalone product so that not only can it be embedded in WebHelp Responsive pages, but also in any HTML-based webpage.

Figure 1. Oxygen Feedback Comments Section

Cookies Used by Oxygen Feedback

Oxygen Feedback uses some cookies to store browser session information with the intention of improving your online experience. For a list of the cookies that are used, see the Oxygen Feedback Cookies section in: https://www.oxygenxml.com/about_cookies.html.