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Quick Start Guide

This short guide is meant to offer a general outline of the tasks that should be completed to get the most out of Oxygen Feedback Cloud.

1. Create Your Account and Organization

The first thing you need to do is create an account. See Creating Your Account and Organization for information.

2. Add the Feedback Commenting Component to Your Website

See the Adding Oxygen Feedback to Your Website section to learn how to integrate the Oxygen Feedback commenting component in your WebHelp output or in any HTML-based web page.

3. Manage Oxygen Feedback Cloud in the Administration Interface

See the Administration Interface section for information about how to moderate comments, manage users, view statistics, and configure various settings, notifications, and other components of the Oxygen Feedback comment system.

4. Integrate Oxygen Feedback Cloud with Oxygen XML Editor/Author

See the https://www.oxygenxml.com/doc/ug-addons/topics/ofb-feedback-comments-manager.html topic for information about how to integrate Oxygen Feedback with Oxygen XML Editor/Author so that your documentation team can see all the comments added in your WebHelp output.

To see a demonstration of how to install Oxygen Feedback in WebHelp output generated from Oxygen XML Editor, watch our installation video:

Other Common Tasks

Here is a list of references about how to perform some of the other most common tasks for new users:

How to edit your organization's profile
The organization Owner can edit and manage various facets of the organization from the Organization Profile page. For example, you can change the name, home URL, contact email, or logo, configure legal policies, or delete an organization.
How to invite new members
The organization Owner can choose who to invite to join the organization and they can specify and manage the user roles for all members of the organization from the Members page.
How to moderate comments
Users with the role of organization Owner, Admin, or Moderator can view, manage, and moderate comments added in the output from the Comments page. For example, you can filter, accept, reject, purge, or resolve comments.