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Automatic User Notifications

Any type of user can configure the types of email notifications they receive when other users reply to their comment or add a comment in a thread where they have commented. To access the user notification options, click the account drop-down menu at the top-right corner of the interface, select Profile, and go to the Notifications tab.

In addition, certain notifications are automatically sent when certain events are triggered.
Notifications that are sent to users with a role of site Owner, Admin, or Moderator are also sent to users with a role of organization Owner, Admin, or Moderator.
Events that trigger automatic notifications include:
  • User Role is Changed - All users will receive an email notification if their user role is changed by an Owner or Admin.
  • User is Added - All users will receive an email notification if they have been added in a site configuration as an Admin or Moderator.
  • User Registers a Page Rating - Site admins receive a daily statistics email that includes the number of messages that were registered for positive or negative ratings within the past day. The number of messages is shown as a link that can be used to navigate to a page that displays all the ratings information for the particular documentation page. The messages can also be viewed from the statistics table in the Page Ratings statistics page.
  • Subscription Will Expire - If the organization's paid subscription is about to expire (within 14 days or 24 hours) and the automatic renewal option is disabled, the user assigned as the organization Owner or Billing Manager will receive a notification reminding them to renew the subscription.
  • Subscription Has Expired - If the organization's paid subscription expired 14 days prior, the user assigned as the organization Owner or Billing Manager will receive a notification reminding them to re-subscribe. The Owner is only able to access the Organization Profile, Subscription, and Technical Support pages. If the subscription is not renewed within 90 day of its expiration date, the organization and all of its data will be deleted.
  • Organization Scheduled for Deletion - If the organization's paid subscription expires, the organization and all of its data will be deleted if the subscription is not renewed within 90 days its expiration date. The user assigned as the organization Owner or Billing Manager will receive a notification 30 days prior to the deletion date (and another one seven days prior) reminding them that the organization is scheduled for deletion if the subscription is not renewed.
  • Subscription Has Expired - If the organization's paid subscription expired 14 days prior, the user assigned as the organization Owner or Billing Manager will receive a notification reminding them to re-subscribe.
  • Trial Will Expire - If the organization's trial subscription is about to expire (within 7 days or 24 hours), the user assigned as the organization Owner or Billing Manager will receive a notification advising them to subscribe to a paid subscription plan.
  • Trial Has Expired - If the organization's trial subscription expired 7 days prior, the user assigned as the organization Owner or Billing Manager will receive a notification advising them to subscribe to a paid subscription plan.
  • Number of Page Views Allowed by the Subscription Plan Will Be Exceeded - If the number of page views allowed by the organization's subscription plan is about to be exceeded for the current month, the user assigned as the organization Owner or Billing Manager will receive a notification advising them to upgrade their subscription plan. This notification is sent when 80% of the allowed page views has been reached and again when 100% has been reached.
  • Number of Page Views Allowed by the Subscription Plan Has Been Exceeded - If the number of page views allowed by the organization's subscription plan has been exceeded for the current month, the user assigned as the organization Owner or Billing Manager will receive a notification that their subscription has been suspended for the remainder of the month and advising them to upgrade their subscription plan. This notification is sent when 5 days have passed since exceeding the limit or when 120% of the allowed page views has been reached.
  • Organization Has Active Subscription but no Page Views Were Generated - If the user assigned as the organization Owner or Billing Manager activates a subscription, but no page views have yet to be generated, they will receive an automatic notification via email.