Configuring Publishing Containers
The Publishing Containers are separated into two components:
- Task Executor Container - Executes various tasks, such as building deliverables.
- Publishing Main Container - Manages deliverables, the templates used by deliverables, and the builds associated with a deliverable.
You can configure the containers by setting some properties to customize and optimize the behavior of the publishing and build processes according to your specific requirements.
Configuring the Task Executor Container
For the Task Executor container, you can configure the following properties:
- executor.service.ope.max.memory
- Specifies the maximum memory allocated for the publishing engine. Default value is 1024 MB.
- executor.service.parallel.builds.number
- Defines the maximum number of parallel builds that the application can execute simultaneously. Default value is 3.
Configuring the Publishing Main Container
For the Publishing Main container, you can configure the following properties:
- publishing.service.deliverable.builds.number
- Sets the number of builds to retain for each deliverable. This helps manage disk space while maintaining only the most recent builds. Default value is 3.
- publishing.service.allow.automatic.builds
- Controls whether or not automatic builds (triggered by remote modifications or scheduled tasks) are allowed. Default value is true.
- publising.service.check.remote.period
- The interval (in seconds) at which the system checks for remote changes. Default value is 60 seconds.
- The delay (in minutes) before starting a build when remote changes are detected. If additional remote changes are detected during this period, the build is re-triggered. Default value is 3 minutes.
- The delay (in minutes) before starting a build when remote changes are detected. If additional remote changes are detected during this period, the build is not re-triggered. Default value is 10 minutes.
- Specifies the maximum number of lines displayed in the console that shows the transformation progress. Default value is 1000 lines.