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Comments No Longer Appear in the Output


User comments that previously appeared in my output are gone.

Possible Cause

This could happen if you change the site/version configuration after the comment was posted because the association between the page and the previously posted comment would be lost. That association is directly dependent upon the Site Base URL configured for the associated version. When a comment is posted, the Site Base URL is used to obtain a relative path from the page URL and the comment is associated with that relative path. Therefore, if you change the Site Base URL after a comment is posted, the relative path of the page computed for the new Site Base URL and the relative path associated with the comment in the database will not match. This results in the comment no longer being displayed on that page.

For example:
  • Suppose the original Site Base URL for a particular version of a site configuration is:
  • A user posts a comment on a page with this URL:
  • Oxygen Feedback will associate the user's comment to the relative path of:
  • Suppose a site admin changes the Site Base URL to:
  • When a user navigates to that page, Oxygen Feedback determines that the relative path is:

When Oxygen Feedback queries the comments for the page using that relative path, the original comment will not be found.