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Implementing Image Map Support in a Custom Framework

This topic describes how the rendering and editing of image maps can be implemented in a custom framework. This implementation will require the following:

Rendering Image Maps

To render an image map, you can add a form control on the image element. The form control should have the following properties:

  • webappRendererClassName should be set to ro.sync.ecss.webapp.formcontrols.WebappImageMapRenderer.
  • imageUrl should be set to the (possibly relative) URL of the image.
  • imageMapSupportFactory should be the name of a Java class in your framework that implements ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.webapp.imagemap.WebappImageMapSupportFactory. Its purpose is to decode the shapes from the document markup.

Rendering Image Maps for XHTML

img[usemap] {
  content: oxy_editor(
    webappRendererClassName, "ro.sync.ecss.webapp.formcontrols.WebappImageMapRenderer"
    edit, "custom",
    imageUrl, attr(src),
    imageMapSupportFactory, "ro.sync.ecss.extensions.xhtml.XHTMLWebappImageMapSupportFactory");

Editing Image Maps

To edit an image map, you can instantiate sync.api.EditImageMapAction and register it in the ActionsManager. The second parameter of the constructor should be a Java class in your framework that extends ro.sync.ecss.extensions.commons.imagemap.operations.UpdateImageMapOperationBase.

Action to Edit Image Maps for XHTML

  new sync.api.EditImageMapAction(

This action can be linked to a button form control added to the image map element.

Button Form Control to Launch the Image Map Editor

  content:oxy_button(actionID, 'edit.image.map'); 