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Installing New Hyphenation Dictionaries

Oxygen PDF Chemistry uses the TeX hyphenation dictionaries converted to XML by the OFFO project: https://sourceforge.net/projects/offo/.

The .xml files allow you to access the licensing terms and you can use them as a starting point to create customized dictionaries (see How to Alter a Hyphenation Dictionary).

The .hyp files are the compiled dictionaries that the Oxygen PDF Chemistry actually uses.

The hyphenation dictionaries are located in: [CHEMISTRY_INSTALL_DIR]/config/hyph.

One simple way to add more dictionaries:
  1. Download and extract the offo-hyphenation-compiled.zip file. This file is a bundle of many dictionary files.
  2. Copy the fop-hyph.jar file to the [CHEMISTRY_INSTALL_DIR]/lib directory.
  3. If you just need a single dictionary, place the .hyp or .xml file extracted from the above jar in the [CHEMISTRY_INSTALL_DIR]/config/hyph directory, or in another directory and use the -hyph-dir parameter.