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Customizing the Application Layout

There are two main ways to customize the layout of the application:

  • Remove some of the toolbars, actions, menus, or views that Oxygen XML Developer shows by default when the application starts. A sample plugin that filters the user interface based on an XML configuration file is available here: https://github.com/oxygenxml/oxygen-components-filter-plugin.

  • Export the layout of the current views and toolbars in the application using the Window->Export Layout action, then use the WorkspaceAccess plugin API to impose a fixed value for a global option key:

    File layoutFile = new File(baseDir, "application.layout");
    if (layoutFile.exists()) {
        PerspectivesLayoutInfo info = new PerspectivesLayoutInfo(true, false, "", layoutFile.getAbsolutePath());
        pluginWorkspaceAccess.setGlobalObjectProperty("perspectives.layout.info", info);