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A plugin can be used to customize the behavior of the entire application no matter what XML document is currently being edited. Since Oxygen XML Developer is a Java-based application, most of the allowed plugin types are Java-based but some JavaScript-based plugin types are also supported.

There are lots of plugin types but the Workspace Access plugin type is the most versatile of them. This type of plugin allows you to contribute actions to the main menu and toolbars, create custom views, interact with the application workspace, make modifications to open documents, and add listeners for various events. A Workspace Access plugin can also contribute frameworks.

The Maven-based Oxygen XML SDK comes with sample plugins and it provides the ability to compile Java extensions for your plugins and frameworks. Also, as a quick start for a Workspace Access plugin, you can use this project: https://github.com/oxygenxml/sample-plugin-workspace-access.

The Workspace Access plugin API can also be used with a JavaScript-based plugin. Small plugin samples can be found here: https://github.com/oxygenxml/wsaccess-javascript-sample-plugins.

You can create automated tests for your plugins and debug them using the Eclipse IDE.

A plugin can either be installed manually or packed as an add-on and installed using Help->Install new add-ons.