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DITA New Topics Preferences

To access the DITA New Topics preferences page, open the Preferences dialog box (Options > Preferences) and go to DITA > New Topics. This preferences page includes the following options:

New Topics section

Use the title to generate the file name
This option (and its sub-options) pertain to the rules that will be used to generate file names in the New Document Wizard. Select this option to use the text entered in the Title field to automatically generate a file name (the generated name can be seen in the Save as field). By default, the generated name will replace spaces with underscores (_), all illegal characters will be removed, and all upper case characters changed to lower case, but you can use the sub-options to change this.
Replace non-alphanumeric characters with

If selected, the file name generation mechanism will replace all non-alphanumeric characters in the title with the character entered in this option.

Lower case only
If selected, the file name generation mechanism will only use lower case letters.
Use camel case

If selected, the file name generation mechanism will convert the title to a file name using the camel case convention where the first word starts with a lower case letter and all subsequent words begin with upper case (for example, myFileName).

Upper case first letter
Select this option if you want the file name generation mechanism to convert the title to a file name using the camel case convention but with an upper case letter for the first word (for example, MyFileName).
Use the file name as the value of the root ID attribute
If selected, when creating a new topic, the file name (as seen in the Save as field but without the file extension) will be used as the value of the root @id attribute for the new topic.