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Selecting Content in Text Mode

Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin includes a variety of keyboard shortcuts that allow you to select content in Text mode. These include numerous standard continuous selection possibilities that are common to many text editors.

Standard Continuous Selection Shortcuts

Ctrl + A (Meta + A on macOS)
Selects all content in the document.
Shift + Left/Right Arrow Keys
Begins a continuous selection at the cursor position and extends it one character at a time in the direction that you press the arrow keys.
Shift + Up/Down Arrow Keys
Begins a continuous selection at the cursor position and extends it one line at a time in the direction that you press the arrow keys.
Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right Arrow Keys (Meta + Shift + Left/Right Arrow Keys on macOS)
Begins a continuous selection at the cursor position and extends it one word at a time in the direction that you press the arrow keys.
Shift + Home
Begins a continuous selection at the cursor position and extends it to the beginning of the current line (on macOS, it extends to the beginning of the document).
Shift + End
Begins a continuous selection at the cursor position and extends it to the end of the current line (on macOS, it extends to the end of the document).
Ctrl + Shift + Home
Begins a continuous selection at the cursor position and extends it to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + Shift + End
Begins a continuous selection at the cursor position and extends it to the end of the document.
Shift + PageUp
Begins a continuous selection at the cursor position and extends it up one screen page.
Shift + PageDown
Begins a continuous selection at the cursor position and extends it down one screen page.
Selects certain text, depending on the position of the click in the document. See Smart Editing: Double-Click for the specifics.
Selects entire regions of text, depending on the position of the click in the document. See the Smart Editing: Triple-Click for the specifics.
Right-Click > Select > Element
Selects the entire element at the current cursor position.
Right-Click > Select > Content
Selects the entire content of the element at the current cursor position, excluding the start and end tag. Performing this action repeatedly will result in the selection of the content of the ancestor of the currently selected element content.
Right-Click > Select > Attributes
Selects all the attributes of the element at the current cursor position.
Right-Click > Select > Parent
Selects the entire parent element at the current cursor position.