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Content Completion Assistant in YAML

Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin includes an intelligent Content Completion Assistant that offers proposals for inserting YAML structures that are valid at the current editing location.

The Content Completion Assistant is enabled by default. To disable it, open the Preferences dialog box , go to Editor > Content Completion, and deselect the Enable content completion option.

Content Completion and the Associated Schema

The Content Completion Assistant feature is schema-driven and the list of proposals in the Content Completion Assistant depend on the associated JSON schema. For information about ways to associate a schema to a YAML document, see Associating a JSON Schema Directly in YAML Documents.

Using the Content Completion Assistant in YAML

The feature is activated in Text mode for YAML documents by pressing Ctrl + Space or Alt + ForwardSlash (Command + Option + ForwardSlash on macOS).

You can navigate through the list of proposals by using the Up and Down keys on your keyboard. You can also change the size of the documentation window by dragging its top, right, and bottom borders.

To insert the selected proposal, press Enter or Tab.

Content Completion Options for YAML

The content that is inserted by the content completion mechanism in YAML is generated automatically from the associated schema. You can control the inserted content with options available in the Options > Preferences > Editor > Content Completion > YAML preferences page. You can specify whether or not required content, optional content, and additional content should be generated.