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Creating a Framework Using an Extension Script

A custom framework (document type) can be created using a special XML descriptor file, either from scratch or by extending an existing built-in framework (such as DITA or DocBook) and then making modifications to it. You can then easily share the custom framework with your team.

The easiest way to create such a descriptor is to use the New document wizard in Oxygen XML Editor/Author and choose the Extend Framework Script or Create Framework Script template.

Creating a Custom Framework Starting from an Existing Framework

To create a custom framework by extending an existing one, follow these steps:
  1. In a location where you have full write access, create a folder structure similar to this: custom_frameworks/dita-extension.
  2. In Oxygen XML Editor/Author, go to Options > Preferences > Document Type Association > Locations. Add the path to your custom_frameworks folder in the Additional frameworks directories list and click OK or Apply to save your changes and close the dialog box.
  3. Click the New button on the toolbar and select the Extend Framework Script template. Save it inside the previously configured framework path (e.g. custom_frameworks/dita-extension).
  4. Set the @base attribute on the script element to the value of the name of the extended framework (e.g. DITA).

    Removing the @base attribute will create a framework from scratch.
  5. Edit the script as described in Framework Extension Script File.
To test your customization, open a document that matches the newly created framework and inspect how your settings apply or go to Options > Preferences > Document Type Association and inspect the resulting framework structure.
If you want to use the framework in an older version of Oxygen XML Editor/Author that does not have support for these scripts, you can compile the script to obtain the *.framework file by using the Compile Framework Extension script action from the contextual menu or by running the scripts/compileFrameworkScript.bat external tool. Once the script has been compiled, Oxygen XML Web Author will detect it and recompile it every time you save the framework extension script, as long as you make the changes inside Oxygen XML Web Author.

Creating a Custom Framework Without a Base Framework

To create a custom framework without starting from an existing one, follow these steps:
  1. In a location where you have full write access, create a folder structure similar to this: custom_frameworks/dita-extension.
  2. In Oxygen XML Editor/Author, go to Options > Preferences > Document Type Association > Locations. Add the path to your custom_frameworks folder in the Additional frameworks directories list and click OK or Apply to save your changes and close the dialog box.
  3. Click New button on the toolbar and select the Create Framework Script template. Save it inside the previously configured framework path, custom_frameworks/dita-extension.
  4. Edit the script as described in Framework Extension Script File.

To test your customization, open a document that matches the newly created framework and inspect how your settings apply or go to Options > Preferences > Document Type Association and inspect the newly generated framework structure.

If you want to use the framework in an older version of Oxygen XML Editor/Author that does not have support for these scripts, you can compile the script to obtain the *.framework file by using the Compile Framework Extension script action from the contextual menu or by running the scripts/compileFrameworkScript.bat external tool. Once the script has been compiled, Oxygen XML Web Author will detect it and recompile it every time you save the framework extension script, as long as you make the changes inside Oxygen XML Web Author.