Deploying Web Author in WildFly (Deprecated)
The following procedure is an example for a deployment of Oxygen XML Web Author in WildFly:
- Download WildFly version 16.0.0.Final at: (ZIP for Windows / TGZ for Linux).
- Extract the contents of the downloaded archive into a folder.
- Open a command-line interface and go to that folder, then wildfly/bin.
- Run the add-user.bat ( in Linux)
executable from a command line.
- Create a Management User.
- Create an Application User and when asked
What groups do you want this user to belong to?, enter:
[admin]: "admin"
- Run the standalone.bat ( in Linux)
executable from a command line and include the -Dee8.preview.mode=true system
property. For
./ -Dee8.preview.mode=true
- Go to http://localhost:9990/console/index.html.
- Under Deployments, go to .
- Click Add, Upload a new deployment, and upload the Web Author WAR file.
Result: Oxygen XML Web Author is deployed at: localhost:8080.
When a plugin is uploaded in the Administration Page, the plugin must be sent to WildFly with HTTP
Post and, by default, the maximum file size cannot exceed 10 MB. Thus, WildFly
will stop the process for plugins that exceed that limit. As a solution, you can disable the
maximum post size limit by setting the
parameter to 0.
Use the command-line interface to run the wildfly\bin\jboss-cli.bat
(wildfly\bin\ in Linux) executable, then enter the
following commands:connect
Stopping the Server
To stop the server, do one of the following:
- Stop it from the Administration Console.
- Use the command-line interface to run the
(wildfly\bin\ in Linux) executable, then enter the
connect shutdown