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The Oxygen XML Web Author uses a floating license model, where the license key is stored on a server and individual users consume license seats from a common pool.

How it works

The license key contains the maximum number of users that can simultaneously access the Oxygen XML Web Author at any given moment. After a period of inactivity, the license allocated to that user becomes available.

While no personal information is sent to the server, a cookie that identifies the user is auto-generated. Note that the use of two different browsers (for example, Firefox and Chrome) by a single user, will consume two floating licenses. However, using two or more windows or tabs of the same browser, consumes a single floating license.


Follow these steps to license a deployment of the Oxygen XML Web Author:

  1. Install a floating license server. You can deploy the HTTP license server in the same Tomcat server, alongside with Oxygen XML Web Author.
  2. Configure the license server connection.
    Information about your license will be displayed in the About section of the Oxygen XML Web Author Dashboard.

Configuring the License Server Connection

For information on configuring the license server connection with a simple GUI, see Configuring the License Server Connection.

Bundling a default License Server Configuration in the Oxygen XML Web Author

If you need to build the Oxygen XML Web Author with a default license configuration bundled inside, use this method.

The connection to the server should be configured in a properties file located in WEB-INF/license.properties. This file might look like this:

The following keys are supported:
Type of licensing server. Set it to http.
The URL of the license server.
The user name for connecting to the license server.
The password for connecting to the license server.
This is an alternative to licensing.server.password. The value should be the encrypted password.
To encrypt the password, run the following command in your server's Web Author deployment directory (where the WEB-INF folder is located):
java -cp "WEB-INF/lib/*" com.oxygenxml.webapp.EncryptionTool [encriptionKey] [password]
The deployment directory in a Tomcat distribution (for example, installers) is found at: tomcat\webapps\web-author-component-integration.
(Optional) For some of the licensing packages, a backup license key is offered that can be deployed on a second license server to provide higher availability in presence of machine and network failures. This key contains the URL of this backup license server.
(Optional) The user name for connecting to the backup license server.
(Optional) The password for connecting to the backup license server.
(Optional) This is an alternative to backup.licensing.server.password. To generate its value, see the instructions for licensing.server.encryptedPassword.