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Supported CSS Selectors

CSS rules that match attributes are always more specific than element selectors. For more information, see https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-3/#specificity.

The following table lists the CSS selectors that are supported in Oxygen XML Author:

Expression Name CSS Level Description / Example
* Universal selector CSS Level 2 Matches any element
E Type selector CSS Level 2 Matches any E element (i. e. an element with the local name E)
E F Descendant selector CSS Level 2 Matches any F element that is a descendant of an E element.
E > F Child selectors CSS Level 2 Matches any F element that is a child of an element E.
E:lang(c) Language pseudo-class CSS Level 2 Matches element of type E if it is in (human) language c (the document language specifies how language is determined).
E + F Adjacent selector CSS Level 2 Matches any F element immediately preceded by a sibling element E.
E ~ F General sibling selector CSS Level 3 Matches any F element preceded by a sibling element E.
E[foo] Attribute selector CSS Level 2 Matches any E element with the "foo" attribute set (whatever the value).
E[foo="warning"] Attribute selector with value CSS Level 2 Matches any E element whose "foo" attribute value is exactly equal to "warning".
E[foo~="warning"] Attribute selector containing value CSS Level 2 Matches any E element whose "foo" attribute value is a list of space-separated values, one of which is exactly equal to "warning".
E[lang|="en"] Attribute selector containing hyphen separated values CSS Level 2 Matches any E element whose "lang" attribute has a hyphen-separated list of values beginning (from the left) with "en".
E:before and E:after Pseudo-elements CSS Level 2 The ':before' and ':after' pseudo-elements can be used to insert generated content before or after an element's content.
E:first-child The first-child pseudo-class CSS Level 2 Matches element E when E is the first child of its parent.
E:not(s) Negation pseudo-class CSS Level 2

An E element that does not match simple selector s.

E:has Relational pseudo-class CSS Level 4

The :has() relational pseudo-class is a functional pseudo-class that takes a relative selector as an argument.

For more information, see :has Relational Pseudo-Class.

E:hover The hover pseudo-class CSS Level 2

The :hover pseudo-class applies while the user designates an element with a pointing device, but does not necessarily activate it. When moving the pointing device over an element, all the parent elements up to the root are taken into account.

E:focus The focus pseudo-class CSS Level 2

The :focus pseudo-class applies while an element has the focus (accepts keyboard input).

E:focus-within The generalized input focus pseudo-class CSS Level 4

The :focus-within pseudo-class applies to elements that will have the :focus pseudo-class applied. Additionally, the ancestors of an element that matches :focus-within also match.

E:marker The marker pseudo-class CSS Level 4 The ::marker pseudo-element represents the automatically generated marker box of a list item.
E#myid The ID selector CSS Level 2
Matches any E element with ID equal to "myid".
Limitation: In Oxygen XML Author the match is performed only taking into account the attributes with the exact name: "id".
E[att^="val"] Substring matching attribute selector CSS Level 3 An E element whose att attribute value begins exactly with the string val.
E[att$="val"] Substring matching attribute selector CSS Level 3 An E element whose att attribute value ends exactly with the string val.
E[att*="val"] Substring matching attribute selector CSS Level 3 An E element whose att attribute value contains the substring val.
E:root Root pseudo-class CSS Level 3 Matches the root element of the document. In HTML, the root element is always the HTML element.
E:empty Empty pseudo-class CSS Level 3 An E element that has no text or child elements.
E:nth-child(n) The nth-child pseudo-class CSS Level 3 An E element, the nth child of its parent.
E:nth-last-child(n) The nth-last-child pseudo-class CSS Level 3

An E element, the nth child of its parent, counting from the last one.

E:nth-of-type(n) The nth-of-type pseudo-class CSS Level 3

An E element, the nth sibling of its type.

E:nth-last-of-type(n) The nth-last-of-type pseudo-class CSS Level 3

An E element, the nth sibling of its type, counting from the last one.

E:last-child The last-child pseudo-class CSS Level 3

An E element, last child of its parent.

E:first-of-type The first-of-type pseudo-class CSS Level 3

An E element, first sibling of its type.

E:last-of-type The last-of-type pseudo-class CSS Level 3

An E element, last sibling of its type.

E:only-child The only-child pseudo-class CSS Level 3

An E element, only child of its parent.

E:only-of-type The only-of-type pseudo-class CSS Level 3

An E element, only sibling of its type.

ns|E Element namespace selector CSS Level 3
An element that has the local name E and the namespace given by the prefix ns. The namespace prefix can be bound to a URI by the at-rule:
@namespace ns "http://some_namespace_uri";
See Namespace Selector.
E!>F The subject selector CSS Level 4 (experimental)

An element that has the local name E and has a child F. See Subject Selector.