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Environment Variables

Normally it is used by the java executable that is found in the PATH environment variable. By using this variable, you can specify a different Java Virtual Machine installation directory.
You can specify a set of arguments for the Java Virtual Machine. The following example specifies the maximum and initial memory setting to be 300MB:
SET JAVA_ARG_LINE=-Xmx300m -Xms300m
Setting this environment variable disables the usage of the -Xmx parameter.
The path to one or more XML catalogs, in URI or File syntax. You can separate the catalogs by using the ":" (colon) or ";" (semi-colon) symbols.
SET XML_CATALOG_FILES="file:/D:/catalogs/docbook.xml;file:/D:/catalogs/other.xml;"
You can also use the -catalog-prefer command-line parameter together with this environment variable.