Toolbar Subtab
In the Toolbar subtab you configure what framework-specific action the Oxygen XML Editor toolbar holds. The subtab is divided into two sections: Available actions and Current actions.
To open the Toolbar subtab, open the Preferences dialog box , go to Document Type Association, use the New, Edit, Duplicate, or Extend button, click on the Author tab, and then the Toolbar subtab.
The Available actions section presents a table that displays the
actions defined in the Actions subtab, along with their icon, ID, and
name. The Current actions section holds the actions that are displayed
in the Oxygen XML Editor toolbar when you work with a document belonging to the edited
framework. To add an action in this section as a sibling of the currently
selected action, use the Add as
sibling button. To add an action in this section as a child of the currently
selected action, use the
Add as
child button.
- Edits an item.
- Removes an item.
Move Up
- Moves an item up.
Move Down
- Moves an item down.