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Tables are widely used in technical documentation. This section contains information about the CSS rules that are used to style them and how to fix some problems.

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Tables - Built-in CSS

There is a combination of CSS files that address tables:
  • [PLUGIN_DIR]/css/core/-table-html-cals.css
  • [PLUGIN_DIR]/css/print/p-tables.css
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How to Avoid a Table Exceeding the Page Width

The DITA specification indicates that tables should have a fixed layout. This can be done in two different ways:
  1. Using proportional or relative measures - It includes percent values and shares values (i.e. "3*" or "12*").
  2. Using fixed measures - It includes all the values followed by units (i.e. in, pt, px, and others).

  • Although the specification allows you to combine these values, it is highly recommend that you only use one method at a time. Combining both methods could lead to a table exceeding the page width and will make the content unreadable.
  • If all of the column width values are not declared in the table, the shares values (e.g. "2.5*") will not be used.
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How to Handle Wide Tables - Page Rotation

Some of the tables can have a large number of columns. In this case, the table may bleed out of the page. One solution is to use landscape pages for these tables.

Setting the attribute orient = 'land' attribute on the table element will force the table to be on a new landscape page.

Another solution is to use automatic detection of wide tables (5 or more columns):

*[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='10'] {
  page: landscape-page;
  max-width: 100%;
  max-height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  page-break-before: avoid;
The landscape-page page layout is defined in the [PLUGIN_DIR]/css/print/p-pages-and-headers.css file.

If you want to rotate the entire topic that contains the big table, use:

*[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='10'] {
  max-width: 100%;

*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='5']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='6']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='7']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='8']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='9']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='10']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > * > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='5']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > * > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='6']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > * > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='7']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > * > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='8']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > * > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='9']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > * > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='10']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > * > * > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='5']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > * > * > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='6']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > * > * > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='7']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > * > * > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='8']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > * > * > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='9']),
*[class~="topic/topic"]:has(*[class~="topic/body"] > * > * > *[class~="topic/table"][data-cols='10']) {
  page: landscape-page;
It is also possible to import the [PLUGIN_DIR]/css/print/p-optional-auto-rotate-wide-tables.css stylesheet into your custom CSS.
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How to Fix Text Bleeding From Table Cells

Slim tables or tables that have many columns make the text from the cells be confined to a small horizontal space. Sometimes this causes long words to bleed outside the cell boundaries.

By default, the built-in CSS automatically activates the hyphenation for the text inside tables as long as your topics have the language specified.

In case the text is still bleeding outside the boundaries, you can also use the overflow-wrap property to force the word to break:
*[class ~= "topic/table"] {
  overflow-wrap: break-word;
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How to Fix Small Images in Table

Tables contained in the output of DITA Map PDF - based on HTML5 & CSS (and DITA PDF - based on HTML5 & CSS) transformations have an automatic layout by default. This means that DITA-OT defines a preferred size on them, optimizing their width/height inside the content to make them as small as possible.

If, for example, you have a two-column table without defined column widths and one column contains images while the other column contains text, the table in the generated PDF will have its first column shrunk with smaller images and an enlarged second column (to occupy the least amount of space in the output).

To avoid this, you must unset the default image max-width so that the original size of the image will be used instead:
*[class ~= "topic/image"] {
  max-width: unset;
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How to Center Tables

You can center the tables by using margins auto, while the table caption (title) can be centered using the text-align property:

*[class ~= "topic/table"] {
    width: 50%;
    border: 1pt solid blue;
*[class ~= "topic/table"] *[class ~= "topic/title"]{
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How to Remove the Table NN Label

For the DITA Map PDF - based on HTML5 & CSS transformation scenario, the label for a table's title is wrapped in a span element with the class: table--title-label.

<table ... >
<caption class="- topic/title title tablecap">
    <span class="table--title-label">Table 
        <span class="table--title-label-number">1. </span></span>
    <span class="table--title">The title of the table</span>

To hide it, set its display to none:

.table--title-label {

For the direct transformation, use:

*[class ~= "topic/table"] > *[class ~= "topic/title"]:before {
    content: none;
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How to Customize Rows, Columns and Cells

Common Use-Cases

Here are some common table use-cases and the CSS selectors for customizing table rows, columns, and cells. These example uses the background-color CSS property but any CSS property can be used (border, margin, padding, etc.).
  • Select all non-header cells:
    *[class ~= "topic/tbody"] *[class ~= "topic/entry"] {
      background-color: lightgray;
  • Select some table rows (using :nth-of-type() pseudo-class):
    /* Select all even rows. */
    *[class ~= "topic/tbody"] *[class ~= "topic/row"]:nth-of-type(even) {
      background-color: lightgray;
    /* Select the fourth row. */
    *[class ~= "topic/tbody"] *[class ~= "topic/row"]:nth-of-type(4) {
      background-color: yellow;
  • Select specific table columns (using :nth-of-type() pseudo-class):
    /* Select all odd columns. */
    *[class ~= "topic/tbody"] *[class ~= "topic/entry"]:nth-of-type(odd) {
      background-color: lightgray;
    /* Select the second column. */
    *[class ~= "topic/tbody"] *[class ~= "topic/entry"]:nth-of-type(2) {
      background-color: yellow;

Applying Properties to Specific Elements

If you need to apply some properties to specific elements, you can use the DITA @outputclass attribute:
<table frame="none">
    <tgroup cols="3">
        <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="171pt"/>
        <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="99pt"/>
        <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="150pt"/>
                <entry outputclass="colored">perennial</entry>
                <entry>well drained</entry>
            <row outputclass="colored">
                <entry>sandy, well-drained</entry>
In this case, the selector will be based on this outputclass:
*[class ~= "topic/table"] *[outputclass ~= "colored"] {
  background-color: yellow;
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How to Add Stripes to a Table

To create a striped look for your tables, you can use the following CSS rules:

/* Header background and foreground */
*[class ~= "topic/table"][outputclass ~= "stripes"] > *[class ~= "topic/thead"] > *[class ~= "topic/row"]  {
    background-color: blue;

/* A default background for the entire table body */
*[class ~= "topic/table"][outputclass ~= "stripes"] > *[class ~= "topic/tbody"] {
    background-color: #eeeeee;

/* Color for the stripes */
*[class ~= "topic/table"][outputclass ~= "stripes"] > *[class ~= "topic/tbody"] > *[class ~= "topic/row"]:nth-child(odd) {
    background-color: cyan;

/* Border for the cells */
*[class ~= "topic/table"][outputclass ~= "stripes"] *[class ~= "topic/entry"]  {
    border: blue;
The above rules assume that tables that are to be painted with stripes are marked with an @outputclass attribute:
<table outputclass="stripes">...</table>

If you want to make all tables look the same, you can ignore this attribute and remove the [outputclass ~= "stripes"] simple selector from the above rules.

Applying stripes and thin cell borders can cause rendering issues in the PDF renderer on screen display devices. For more information, see Disappearing Thin Lines or Cell Borders.
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How to Display Borders on a Split Cell

By default, if a cell extends onto a second page, its bottom and top borders are discarded. To display these borders, you need to add the following property in your CSS customization:
*[class ~= "topic/entry"] {
  -oxy-borders-conditionality: retain;
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How to Rotate Content from a Table Cell

In DITA CALS tables, you can rotate the content of a cell by setting the @rotate attribute to 1.

In the following example, the Sport, All terrain, and Family header cells are rotated.

<table frame="all" rowsep="1" colsep="1" id="table_d1p_flb_crb">
  <title>Car Features</title>
  <tgroup cols="4">
    <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="14*"/>
    <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*" align="center"/>
    <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*" align="center"/>
    <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*" align="center"/>
        <entry morerows="1">Car Name</entry>
        <entry namest="c2" nameend="c4">Features</entry>
        <entry rotate="1">Sport</entry>
        <entry rotate="1">All terrain</entry>
        <entry rotate="1">Family</entry>
        <entry>Tesla Model S</entry>
Table 1. Car Features
Car Name Features
Sport All terrain Family
Tesla Model S X X

The resulting output will be:

The built-in CSS matches the cells with this attribute and applies the following properties:

*[class~="topic/entry"][rotate='1'] {
  transform: rotate(270deg);

  /* Avoid wrapping, including hyphenation */

  /* The rotated content will start from the lower side of the cell */

To change the vertical alignment of the content (for example, to move it to the middle of the cell), use the following in your CSS customization:

*[class~="topic/entry"][rotate='1'] {

The resulting output will be:

To make the text wrap (for instance, the "All terrain" could be split on two lines), you need to inhibit the whitespace preservation from the built-in CSS. In this case, all spaces will create a line break in the rotated layout. Thus, you can add this in your customization:

*[class~="topic/entry"][rotate='1'] {

The resulting output will be:

The padding and borders set on the table cells are not rotated (only the content of the cell is rotated). You can use padding-left (for instance) to move the labels to the horizontal axis.
*[class~="topic/entry"][rotate='1'] {
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How to Add Horizontal Lines to a Choice Table

To add horizontal lines that separate the options within a <choicetable>, you can use borders set on each of the rows. The following CSS styles the top header and the first column with some background colors. In a choice table, the first column represents the choice labels.

*[class~="task/choption"] {
	background-color: #EEEEEE;	
	text-align: left;

*[class~="task/choicetable"] {
	border: 2pt solid #EEEEEE;

*[class~="task/choicetable"] *[class~="task/chrow"],
*[class~="task/choicetable"] *[class~="task/chhead"]{
	border-bottom: 2pt solid #EEEEEE;

*[class~="task/choicetable"] *[class~="topic/stentry"] {
	border-bottom: none;
	border-right: none;
Using the frame attribute on the choice table will make these selectors apply partially. Please make sure you are designing your customization CSS taking into account all possible values for the frame attribute.