Usage Statistics Page
Users with a role of organization Owner or Admin have access to a Usage Statistics page where they can see various statistics for all of the site configurations attached to the current organization.
The top chart displays statistics in a graph form according to the selected metric and filtering options.
You can click the up or down arrow to the right of the title for each column header to sort that particular column. If you click the name of the site configuration, you will be directed to that particular site configuration. By default, the table is sorted in the descending order of the number of page views from the last column of the table (last month or last day of the selected period). You can click the arrow to the left of the site configuration name in the first column to expand the particular site configuration to show its configured versions. By default, the versions are sorted chronologically in this table.
At the top of the usage statistics page, there are some filtering options for the graphs:
- Metrics
- You can select the type of metric to be displayed. You can choose between Page views, Comments, AI Assistant Users, AI Assistant Threads, and AI Assistant Search Summaries.
- Sites
You can choose which site configurations to have their statistics displayed.
- Date Chooser
- You can select the time period to be displayed. You can choose a relative period (current month, last week, last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, and last year) or you can select a custom period. The default time period is automatically selected based upon the amount of data that is found in past intervals of 2, 5, or 11 months (plus the amount of past days in the current month). For example, if there is data found only in the last 2 months, the default selected time period encompasses all the past days in the current month plus the entire 2 months prior to the current month. If there is data found in the past 11 months, then the default encompasses all the past days in the current month plus the entire 11 months prior.
- Aggregate Chooser
- You can choose between Daily or Monthly for the type of aggregation to be displayed.
- Chart Type Chooser
You can select the type of the chart to be displayed. You can choose between Line, Bar, and Stack.
The second chart displays the same statistics but in numerical format.
- AI Assistant Threads - The table includes columns that show the version, number of AI Assistant threads, the number of not useful, useful, and inaccurate replies, the number of AI threads that encountered an error, the average number of replies generated by the AI, the estimated number of tokens consumed across all AI threads, the average number of tokens consumed by the AI Assistant per thread, and the number of threads per user.
- AI Assistant Search Summaries - The table includes columns that show the site name, the total number of AI search summaries generated, the number of successful responses, the number of search summaries where the continue in chat feature was used, and the estimated number of tokens consumed by AI search summaries.