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Publishing Content to Netlify

The Netlify connector facilitates publishing deliverable build outputs to the designated Netlify Site.


To publish content to a Netlify Site, you must have the following:

  • A Netlify account.
  • An existing Netlify Site configured. For more details, refer to the Netlify's Add new site topic.
  • A Personal Access Token associated with your Netlify account. For more details, refer to the Netlify's Personal Access Token topic.

For additional information, consult the Netlify documentation.

Define the Connector

To configure a Netlify connector, the following fields must be provided:
Connector Name
The name of the connector.
Site ID
The unique identifier associated with your Netlify Site.
Personal Access Token
A security token used for authenticating your Netlify account.

Select the Netlify Connector in the Deliverables Page

To publish the output of a deliverable to Netlify, follow these steps:
  1. After configuring the Netlify connector, navigate to the Deliverables page, then either edit an existing deliverable or create a new one.
  2. In the resulting configuration page, select the Upload output using a publishing connector option.
  3. Use the drop-down list below that option to select the Netlify connector that you previously defined.
  4. Click Save at the bottom of the configuration page.
  5. Begin the Deliverable build process. Upon completion, the build output will be published to the configured Netlify Site.