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Site Administration Guide

Oxygen Feedback Enterprise features a user-friendly administration interface where users with an Admin, Owner, or Moderator role can moderate comments, manage users, view statistics, and configure various settings, notifications, and other components of the comment system. This administration interface can be reached from the comments area in any web page where it is installed by logging in and selecting Home from the drop-down menu to the right of your name.

All the various pages within the administration interface have a common ribbon at the top with some actions to help you navigate through the interface.

Figure 1. Admin Interface Ribbon for Normal Users

The components in that ribbon include:

Oxygen Feedback
Clicking the Oxygen Feedback logo at the left side of the ribbon will navigate to the Dashboard page.
Clicking the Dashboard button will navigate to the Dashboard page.
Sites drop-down menu
Clicking the Sites drop-down menu displays a list of your site configurations, making it easy to navigate to a particular configuration from anywhere in the interface. It shows the 5 most recent sites, followed by 5 sites with pending comments, and there is a View All Sites action at the bottom of the list to see the rest of the site configurations.
(for the Platform Admin only)
Clicking the Admin button will navigate to the Admin Area that is only accessible by the Feedback Platform Admin.
Clicking the Help icon displays a menu where you can choose to open the User Guide or you can choose About to see information about the current version for the application.
User drop-down menu
Clicking this drop-down menu provides access to the profile management page, , usage statistics page, and Log out action.