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Commenter Guide

This section is meant to provide general information for people using Oxygen Feedback to post new comments, reply to existing comments, and manage their own comments.

Registering an Account

To use the Oxygen Feedback comment system, Commenters need to log in (unless the particular site where Oxygen Feedback is installed allows anonymous users). If this is your first time using Oxygen Feedback, you will need to create an account.

Commenter Profiles

Once you create and register an account, you will have access to a profile management page where you can manage your account, change your password, or configure the email notifications you receive. To open the profile management page, click the drop-down arrow to the right of your user name in the commenting component at the bottom of the output page and select Profile. For more information, see: Profile Management.

Adding a Comment

Comments can be added in any page where Oxygen Feedback is installed either contextually throughout the page where block elements appear (for more information, see Block-Level Comments) or using the commenting component at the bottom of the page.

To add a comment in a page where the Oxygen Feedback comment system is installed:
  1. Choose where you want your comment to appear:
    • To post your comment contextually at a specific location within the page:
      1. Hover over content within the block (content that would be inside a block element in the source document) until you see the comment widget () on the right side.
      2. Click the widget and log in (if you are not already logged in).
      3. Click anywhere in the text box where you see Add a comment to expand the box for editing.
    • To post your comment in the commenting component at the bottom of the page:
      1. Log in (if you are not already logged in).
      2. Click anywhere in the text box where you see Add a comment to expand the box for editing.
  2. Enter your text in the comment box. You can use the various toolbar actions to style your text. You can also type Markdown syntax in the comment box to style your text. You can see the results of the styling in the Preview section at the bottom of the box.
  3. Click Add (or Ctrl+Enter) to post the comment.

Result: You can see your newly added comment but if the site configuration has the Comment Moderation option enabled, other users will not see it until it is approved by an Administrator or Moderator. All comments have the relative time it was posted displayed under the Commenter's name (for example, 2 minutes ago, 2 hours ago, 2 days ago). If you hover over the relative time, you can see the real time. After block-level comments are added, a widget is displayed on the right side of the content with the number of comments that exist within that particular block shown in a red circle ( ).

Editing a Comment

A Commenter can edit their own comments, but only Administrators/Moderators can edit comments posted by other users. To edit your own comment:
  1. Open the comment box for editing by using one of these methods, depending on its location:
    • For comments at a specific location within the page:
      1. Click the particular comment widget ( ) and log in (if you are not already logged in).
      2. Click the Ellipse at the bottom-right side of the comment box and select Edit.
    • For comments at the bottom of the page:
      1. Log in (if you are not already logged in).
      2. Click the Edit at the bottom-right side of the comment box and select Edit.
  2. Edit your text in the comment box. You can use the various toolbar actions to style your text. You can also type Markdown syntax in the comment box to style your text. You can see the results of the styling in the Preview section at the bottom of the box.
  3. Click Submit (or Ctrl+Enter) to post the modifications to your comment.

Replying to a Comment

To reply to an existing comment:
  1. Initiate a reply by using one of these methods, depending on its location:
    • For comments at a specific location within the page:
      1. Click the particular comment widget ( ) and log in (if you are not already logged in).
      2. Click the Reply link at the bottom-right side of the comment box.
    • For comments at the bottom of the page:
      1. Log in (if you are not already logged in).
      2. Click the Reply link at the bottom-right side of the comment box.
  2. Enter your text in the comment box. You can use the various toolbar actions to style your text. You can also type Markdown syntax in the comment box to style your text. You can see the results of the styling in the Preview section at the bottom of the box.
  3. Click Add (or Ctrl+Enter) to post the comment.

Result: The replies are sorted in a chronological (newest to oldest) and hierarchical order. The replies in the first hierarchical level are expanded by default while subsequent levels are collapsed. The number of replies for any given comment is displayed in the bottom-left corner of the comment tile.

Deleting a Comment

A Commenter can delete their own comments, but only Administrators/Moderators can delete comments posted by other users. To delete your own comment:
  1. Initiate the deletion by using one of these methods, depending on its location:
    • For comments at a specific location within the page:
      1. Click the particular comment widget ( ) and log in (if you are not already logged in).
      2. Click the Ellipse at the bottom-right side of the comment box and select Delete.
    • For comments at the bottom of the page:
      1. Log in (if you are not already logged in).
      2. Click the Delete link at the bottom-right side of the comment box.
  2. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

Result: The content of the comment will only be visible to the original commenter and moderators, and a placeholder will be displayed noting that the comment was deleted.

Restoring a Deleted Comment

Your deleted comments will automatically be purged from the system in 30 days, but you can restore a deleted comment within that time (any user with an Owner, Admin, or Moderator role can also restore the deleted comment within that time). To restore your own deleted comment, click the link in the bottom-right corner of the particular comment box. The comment will be restored to its status before the deletion.

Status Badge

Whenever the status of a comment changes, the new status is displayed on the right side of the comment box (for example, one of these badges will be displayed: ). If you hover over a status badge, you can see the user name who changed the status and the time it was changed to its current status.

Filtering Comments

You can filter the comments in the commenting component at the bottom of the output page. You can access the filtering options by clicking the filter drop-down menu () that is located in the header of the commenting component. The following filtering options are available:
  • Not resolved (default) - Displays all comments that are in a state of Open or Waiting for approval.
  • Waiting for approval - Displays only comments that are in a state of Waiting for approval (they have not yet been approved by a moderator).
  • All - Displays all the comments that are available based upon your user rights.

The selection in the filter drop-down is persistent between sessions. If you happen to go to an output page where a comment is not associated with the current filters, the server determines which filter should be used for the comment to be visible and the filter is automatically changed accordingly.

Note: The selected filter also applies to any block-level comments that exist throughout the page.
Note: If you happen to click a link to a comment's output page but the comment is not associated with the current filters, the server determines which filter should be used for the comment to be visible and the filter is automatically changed accordingly.

Commenting Toolbar

The comment box includes a toolbar with actions for styling your comment text. These actions are based upon Markdown syntax.
Tip: You can type Markdown syntax directly in the comment box without using the toolbar buttons. If you hover over each toolbar action, you can see exactly which Markdown rules are supported. To see examples for the supported rules, see: https://commonmark.org/help/.

The toolbar actions include:

Bold (Strong) <strong> [Crtl+B]
Wraps the text with two asterisks to produce a bold styling in the resulting comment.
Italic (Emphasis) <em> [Crtl+I]
Wraps the text with one asterisk to produce an italic styling in the resulting comment.
Hyperlink <a> [Crtl+L]
Wraps the text with a set of square brackets, followed by a second set of square brackets that includes a link identifier to reference the target for the hyperlink. A separate line is also added at the bottom of the comment (with the link identifier reference) where you define the target.
Blockquote <blockquote> [Crtl+Q]
Adds a greater than character (>) before the text to produce an indented block of text in the resulting comment.
Code Sample <pre> <code> [Crtl+K]

If you use this action on a selection of inline text within a block of text (rather than the entire block of text), the selected text will be surrounded with single backticks (`) to produce an inline code block.

If you use this action on a blank line or on a selection of an entire block of text, four spaces will be added before the selection to produce a code block that spans the entire width of the comment box.

Ordered List <ol> [Crtl+O]
Adds a number before the selected text or on a new line to create an ordered list in the resulting comment.
Unordered List <ul> [Crtl+U]
Adds a hyphen (-) before the selected text or on a new line to create an unordered list in the resulting comment.
Heading <h2> [Crtl+H]
Adds four consecutive hyphens (----) under the selected text or adds two hash symbols (##) before and after new default text to produce a second-level header in the resulting comment.
Tip: To change it to a 1st-level header (<h1>), simply click the toolbar button again.
Horizontal Rule <hr> [Crtl+R]
Adds ten consecutive hyphens (----------) on a new line to produce a horizontal rule (line) in the resulting comment.
Undo [Crtl+Z]
Use this button to undo the last action.
Redo [Crtl+Y]
Use this button to redo the last action that was undone.