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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Why do I need Oxygen Feedback?
Answer: It gives your customers a voice as well as an effective way for you to interact with them. It provides your customers with a fast and simple way to offer feedback or ask questions and it provides you with a very efficient system for responding, moderating comments, and managing the comment system.
Question: Is Oxygen XML Editor/Author required to use Oxygen Feedback?
Answer: No. You can use Oxygen XML Editor/Author or the Oxygen XML WebHelp plugin to integrate Oxygen Feedback into WebHelp documentation, but it can also be embedded on any HTML-based webpage.
Question: Do I need my own server to manage and integrate Oxygen Feedback?
Answer: No. While there are various advantages to using your own Enterprise Server, there are cloud-based options for administering Oxygen Feedback without the need for your own server.
Question: Can I decide which comments posted by my customers are displayed?
Answer: Yes. There is an option that specifies whether or not comments are moderated and if that option is enabled, all new or edited comments require approval from an Administrator or Moderator.
Question: What is a Site?
Answer: In Oxygen Feedback, a site is a shorter name for a Site Configuration. A site configuration provides the means to moderate comments, manage users, configure the comment system, and install it in your website or WebHelp documentation.
Question: I publish multiple user guides that are stored in separate projects and subdirectories within the same root URL. Do I need to create a separate site configuration for each user guide or can they all be managed using a common root URL?
Answer: This particular directory structure can be managed both as a single site configuration (using the root URL) or as five different site configurations. Using a separate site configuration for each guide offers greater flexibility. For example, you can assign different moderators to each guide and view usage statistics for each separate guide. If you use one site configuration, the moderators cannot be separated and the usage statistics will not be differentiated for each guides.