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General Settings

The General Settings page is where you can edit the logo, name, or description of a site configuration and it includes some other options that can be set according to your needs. If you are in the Sites page, you can click the Settings button at the bottom-right corner of a tile to open this General Settings page for that particular site configuration. If you are already inside the interface for a particular site configuration, you can click the General link in the left menu bar to reach this page.

Figure 1. General Settings Page

The General Settings page includes the following options and features:

Edit or Add a Logo
Click anywhere in the logo circle to select an image to use for the logo for this site configuration. The logo will be displayed in the tile for this site configuration in the Sites page. The supported extensions are: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif. The maximum allowed size is 2048 KB.
Note: When loading large logo images, they might be resized and lose some image quality. This is done to reduce network data traffic.
You can edit the name of the site configuration. This will be displayed as the title in the tile for this site configuration in the Sites page.
Note: The site configuration name is unique per user. Each user cannot have more than one site configuration with the same name.
You can edit the description of the site configuration. This will be displayed as the description in the tile for this site configuration in the Sites page.
Comments Moderation
  • All - Select this option if you want all comments to require approval by an Owner, Admin, or Moderator before they are posted. Also, each Owner, Admin, and Moderator for the site configuration will receive an email when a user adds a comment notifying them that there is a comment waiting for approval.
  • None - Select this option if you want all comments to be posted without requiring approval.
    Note: If you change this option to None on a site configuration that was previously being moderated and had rejected comments, all of those rejected comments will be purged.
Tip: For more information about comment moderation, see the Moderating Comments topic.
Allow Anonymous Users
Select this option if you want to allow comments to be posted anonymously without requiring the user to log in.
New comment placeholder text
By default, Oxygen Feedback Enterprise displays Add a comment for the placeholder text that appears in empty comment boxes. You can use this option to specify your own custom placeholder text.
Display installation link toggle option
By default, Oxygen Feedback Enterprise displays an Install Oxygen Feedback on your website link at the bottom of the commenting component in the output. You can deselect this option to hide that link in your output.
Disable Site

The General Settings page includes an option to disable a site configuration. You must be the Owner of the site configuration to access this option.

To disable the site configuration, click the Disable button and you will be asked to confirm the Site name to process the request. The result is that the commenting component will no longer be displayed in the websites defined in all versions for this site configuration. You can reverse the action by clicking the Enable button but this will only work if enabling the particular site configuration is allowed by the current subscription plan.

Delete Site

The General Settings page includes an option to delete a site configuration. You must be the Owner of the site configuration to access this option.

To delete the site configuration, click the Delete button and you will be asked to confirm the Site name to process the request.
Warning: Using this action will delete all versions and comments for the site configuration and this action cannot be reversed. You may want to Disable the site instead, since that action is reversible.
Transfer Ownership of a Site

The General Settings page includes an option to transfer the ownership of a site configuration to another user. You must be the Owner of the site configuration to access this option and the user you are transferring ownership to must have an Admin role.

To transfer ownership of the site configuration, click the Transfer button, enter the new owner's email address, enter the name of the site, and click Transfer. A confirmation email will be sent to the specified user. They will need to access the email and accept the transfer within 24 hours (the pending owner can also go to the General Settings page and accept the transfer from there). You can click the Cancel button to reverse the action anytime before the user accepts the transfer.
Warning: If the site Owner deletes their account before the transfer request has been accepted, the site ownership transfer will be canceled.