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Interaction with the End-User

If you need your plugin to frequently interact with the end user, some possibilities include:

  • Your plugin can create Java Swing-based components (dialog boxes, frames) that are displayed when custom toolbar or menu actions added by the plugin are called. You can also extend the Oxygen-specific API base class OKCancelDialog to create a dialog box that already includes OK and Cancel buttons. This specific base also automatically resizes its internal components depending on the currently used fonts or DPI settings and also properly positions the OK and Cancel buttons depending on the operating system (on macOS, the OK button is on the right part of the dialog box, while on Windows and Linux, it is placed on the left part of the dialog box). There is an entire API package that contains base implementations of Swing components and such implementations are recommended to be used for the plugin-contributed components to look like the ones contributed by Oxygen XML Developer.

  • Your plugin can add a specific side view.

  • The WorkspaceUtilities API allows you to:

    • Show file and folder choosers.

    • Show confirmation dialog boxes.

    • Show information, warning, or error dialog boxes.

    • Show a custom status message in the application.

  • The ResultsManager API allows you to add results in the Results view. These results can point to a specific document at a specific line/column location.

  • The title of the main application frame can be modified using this API: https://www.oxygenxml.com/InstData/Editor/SDK/javadoc/ro/sync/exml/workspace/api/Workspace.html#setParentFrameTitle-java.lang.String-.