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Plugins Preferences

You can add plugins that extend the functionality of Oxygen JSON Editor. The plugins are shipped as separate packages. To check for new plugins, go to http://www.oxygenxml.com/oxygen_sdk.html.

A plugin consists of a separate sub-folder in the Plugins folder of the Oxygen JSON Editor installation folder (for example, [OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR]/plugins/myPlugin). This sub-folder must contain a valid plugin.xml file in accordance with the plugin.dtd file located in the Plugins folder.

Oxygen JSON Editor automatically detects and loads plugins installed correctly in the Plugins folder and displays them in the Plugins preferences page. To configure plugins, open the Preferences dialog box (Options > Preferences) and go to Plugins.

You can use the checkboxes in front of each plugin to enable or disable them. To display the properties of a plugin in the second section of the Plugins preferences page, click the name of the plugin.