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Project Level Settings Preferences

The Project Level Settings preference page allows you to decide whether various settings should be saved in the project configuration file or in the global settings. Settings that are saved at project level can easily be shared with others. To configure these options, open the Preferences dialog box (Options > Preferences) and go to Project Level Settings.

The following options can be toggled on or off to determine which settings will be saved at project level:
Allow validation scenario associations to be saved at project level
When this option is selected, the associations for custom validation scenarios will be stored according to their storage location.
  • If you associate a scenario that is stored at the project or framework level, the association will be saved at project level (in the project configuration file).
  • If you associate a scenario at global level, it will be saved globally.
If this option is not selected, the association is not allowed to be saved at project level and will be saved globally (even if the scenario is saved in the project file).