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Display XQuery Result in Sequence View

The result of an XQuery executed on a database can be very large and sometimes only a part of the full result is needed. To avoid the long time necessary for fetching the full result, select the Present as a sequence option in the Output tab of the Edit scenario dialog box. This option fetches only the first chunk of the result. Clicking the More results available label that is displayed at the bottom of the Sequence view fetches the next chunk of results.

The size of a chunk can be set with the Size limit of Sequence view option. The XQuery options button from the More results available label provides a quick access to this option by opening the XQuery preferences page where the option can be modified.

Figure 1. XQuery transformation result displayed in Sequence view

A chunk of the XQuery transformation result is displayed in the Sequence view.

Figure 2. XQuery transformation result displayed in Sequence view
You can right-click the results in the Sequence view and if the item is an XML element, the Go to definition action will open the XML file from where the queried node was obtained.