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Updating XML Documents using XQuery Update 1.0

Using the bundled Saxon 12.5 EE XQuery processor Oxygen XML Editor Eclipse plugin offers support for XQuery Update 1.0. The XQuery Update Facility provides expressions that can be used to make persistent changes to instances of the XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model. Thus, besides querying XML documents, you can modify them using the various insert/delete/modify/create methods available in the XQuery Update 1.0 standard.

Choose Saxon 12.5 EE as a transformer in the scenario associated with the XQuery files containing update statements and Oxygen XML Editor Eclipse plugin will notify you if the update was successful.

Example: Using XQuery Update to modify a tag name in an XML file
rename node doc("books.xml")//publisher[1]//book[1] as "firstBook"