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Deploying Content Fusion Enterprise on Amazon Web Services (Deprecated)

Restriction: To make upgrades and security updates easier, this AWS installation kit has been deprecated and is scheduled for removal. If your are using this platform, you can start a Virtual Machine that runs one of the supported Linux distributions and use the Linux installer.

There are two ways to launch Oxygen Content Fusion Enterprise Server on Amazon Web Services: using the launch button or the EC2 wizard. The first approach is more simple but not as flexible as the second one, although it should be sufficient for evaluation purposes.

Using the Launch Button (recommended for evaluation purposes only)

  • An Amazon Web Services account.
    Note: This setup will require resources that are not covered by the free tier.
  • An SSH key pair in the Canada (Central) or US West (Oregon) region. You can create one following this tutorial.
  1. Go to the Download page.
  2. Go to the AWS tab and click Launch on AWS.
  3. Make sure you have the Canada (Central) or US West (Oregon) region selected. You can change it using the drop-down menu in the top-right corner.
  4. In the SSHKeyName, choose the name of an existing SSH key pair. It will be used for SSH access to the instance.
    Note: If there are no options provided in the combo-box, see the prerequisites.
  5. Review and click Create.

    Step Result: The machine will launch. Expand the Resources tab to present a link to your launched instance where you can find details about the running instance, including its IP address (you will need this).

  6. Continue configuring the Oxygen Content Fusion Enterprise Server.

Using the EC2 Wizard (recommended for production)

Prerequisites: An Amazon Web Services account.
Note: This setup will require resources that are not covered by the free tier.


  1. Go to your EC2 dashboard.
  2. Make sure you have the Canada (Central) or US West (Oregon) region selected. You can change it using the drop-down menu in the top-right corner.
  3. Click Launch Instance.
  4. Choose the Amazon Machine Image:
    1. Switch to the Community AMIs tab.
    2. Insert the AMI ID listed on the download page in the search field.
    3. Click the Select button.
  5. Choose the Instance Type. It is recommended that you use at least a t3.medium instance (2 vCPUs, 4 GiB Memory) or higher, depending on the expected activity.
  6. Configure Instance Details. You can leave all options with their default values, except for:
    • Enable termination protection: Enabled
    • Auto-assign Public IP: Enabled
    • Advanced Details > Metadata version: V2 (token required)
  7. Add Storage. The /dev/sdb volume will be used to store the database and files uploaded by the users as part of the review tasks. It is preconfigured to be 100GiB and can be adjusted.
  8. Add Tags. Adding the name tag might be useful to identify the instance and volumes attached to it more easily.
  9. Configure Security Group. Select or create a security group with the following inbound rules:
    • port 80, source Anywhere
    • port 443, source Anywhere
    • port 22, source My IP (recommended) or Anywhere (for SSH administrative access)
    • port 9080, source My IP (recommended) or Anywhere (for web-based administrative access)
  10. Click Review and Launch. You will be asked to select a key pair or create a new one.

    Step Result: The machine will launch and you will be presented with a link to your launched instance where you can find details about the running instance, including its IP address (you will need this).

  11. Continue configuring the Oxygen Content Fusion Enterprise Server.

Initial Oxygen Content Fusion Configuration

To configure Oxygen Content Fusion on the initial start of the VM, use the following procedure:

  1. Access the administration web interface of Oxygen Content Fusion at: https://<server-address>:9080.
    Note: By default, Oxygen Content Fusion uses a self-signed certificate, so the browser will display a security warning. Continue (for example, if you are using Edge, click Details and then Go on to the webpage).
  2. Log in using the following credentials:
    • user = fusion
    • password = oxygenxml
  3. Change the password.
  4. In the General tab, configure the Domain Name of the server. To properly configure the server, you should associate a domain name for this server in your DNS.

    You can also use the server IP address instead of the domain name. In this case, the server will run with several limitations:
    • The e-mail messages generated by the server are more likely to be considered as SPAM.
    • HTTPS support cannot be enabled.
    Note: By default, the Domain Name is populated with one of the IP addresses associated with the server. It is recommended that you check this IP address to make sure it can be accessed by your end-users.
  5. In the License tab:
    • If you already have a license key, choose the Already have a license key option, paste your license key in the text field and click Activate.
    • Otherwise, choose the Request a trial license key option and complete the request form.

AWS Configuration

All the data is stored on the EBS volume that was added during the EC2 wizard. You may want to set up periodic snapshots of this volume. To recover the data from such a snapshot, start a fresh Content Fusion VM following the EC2 wizard and when adding storage to the machine, choose the snapshot you want to recover.

Configuring Oxygen XML Editor/Author to Connect to Your Enterprise Server

All Content Authors in your organization that will be uploading tasks will need to configure Oxygen XML Editor/Author to connect to your Enterprise server. You need to provide them with your Enterprise server URL and then each of them will need to follow the procedure found in: Configuring Your Enterprise Server Address. Alternatively, if you want to impose the server URL for all Content Authors so that they do not need to do any manual configuration, you can create a properties file to impose the Enterprise server address.