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Increasing the Available Disk Space

Installation Kit Instructions

When the disk where Content Fusion stores its data becomes full, you can follow these instructions to add a new disk with more space:

  1. Attach, format, and mount a new disk.
  2. [Important] Stop Content Fusion.
  3. Change the current directory to the newly mounted disk and create a Content Fusion backup. The backup will be stored in the current directory.
    Note: After the backup is created, it should be tested in a different machine to ensure that it works correctly.
  4. Copy the contents of the /fusion/data directory to the newly mounted disk.
  5. Mount your new disk at /fusion/data.
  6. Restart Content Fusion.
  7. Ensure that everything works correctly. If you encounter problems, use the backup created in step 3.

VMWare or AWS Instructions

When the disk where Content Fusion stores its data becomes full, you can use the tools offered by VMWare or AWS to extend the disk size.
Note: The files from the /fusion/data directory should only be moved/copied when Content Fusion is stopped.