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Search Engine for WebHelp Responsive for DITA

Oxygen Feedback Enterprise can be configured as a ready-to-use external search engine for the WebHelp Responsive for DITA output. Oxygen Feedback Enterprise represents a server-side alternative to the default client-side search engine embedded in the WebHelp output.

This search engine is recommended to be used based on the following benefits:

How to Configure Oxygen Feedback as the Search Engine for WebHelp Output

To configure Oxygen Feedback Enterprise as an external search engine in Oxygen WebHelp Responsive output:

  1. In the administration interface of Oxygen Feedback Enterprise, go to the Version Settings page for the particular version where you want the engine replaced.
  2. Scroll to the Content Indexing and Search section and click Edit to expand the section.
  3. Select the Enable content indexing option.
  4. Click Save.

A re-indexing operation is automatically triggered. The Status must be displayed as Ready before the functionality is available in the output. You can click the Check Index Status button to the right of the status to query the OTSS server for the current status.


Video - How to Configure Oxygen Feedback as an External Search Engine in Oxygen WebHelp Responsive Output